The Squid's Ear Magazine
Matchless Recordings

Allum & Prevost: Penumbrae
Allum & Prevost:

(Matchless -- Great Britain )

Price: $18.95    

Out of Stock

AMM percussionist Eddie Prevost playing all bowed sources in a subtle and ringing duet of bowing approaches with violinist Jennifer Allum of the London Post Quartet.

Allum, Jennifer / Ute Kanngiesser: Bell Tower Recordings
Allum, Jennifer / Ute Kanngiesser:
Bell Tower Recordings

(Matchless -- Great Britain )

Price: $17.95    

In Stock

Members of Eddie Prevost's weekly improvisation workshops, violinist Jennifer Allum and cellist Ute Kanngiesser, recorded these 3 improvisations, running the gamut from spacious harmonics to vigorously weaving dialog, in 3 rooms of St Augustine's Bell Tower in London.

AMM (Tilbury / Prevost): Place Sub. V
AMM (Tilbury / Prevost):
Place Sub. V

(Matchless -- Great Britain )

Price: $18.95    

In Stock

AMM (Eddie Prevost on percussion and John Tilbury on piano(+)) performing a 1 hour, 1 minute and 1 second live concert at the 2012 Festival of Traditional and Avant-Garde Music in Lublin, Poland in a beautiful melding of unconventional approaches to improvisation.

AMM: AMMMusic 1966
AMMMusic 1966

(Recommended Records -- Great Britain )

Price: $14.95    

Out of Stock
AMM: Before driving to the chapel we took coffee with Rick and Jennifer Reed
Before driving to the chapel we took coffee with Rick and Jennifer Reed

(Matchless -- Great Britain )

Price: $17.95    

Out of Stock
AMM (Prevost / Rowe / Tilbury): Combines + Laminates + Treatise '84
AMM (Prevost / Rowe / Tilbury):
Combines + Laminates + Treatise '84

(Matchless -- Great Britain )

Price: $17.95    

In Stock
AMM (Prevost / Rowe / Tilbury): Fine
AMM (Prevost / Rowe / Tilbury):

(Matchless -- Great Britain )

Price: $17.95    

In Stock
AMM (Prevost / Rowe / Tilbury): Live in Allentown USA
AMM (Prevost / Rowe / Tilbury):
Live in Allentown USA

(Matchless -- Great Britain )

Price: $17.95    

Out of Stock
AMM (Prevost / Rowe / Tilbury): Newfoundland
AMM (Prevost / Rowe / Tilbury):

(Matchless -- Great Britain )

Price: $17.95    

In Stock
AMM: Sounding Music
Sounding Music

(Matchless -- Great Britain )

Price: $18.95    

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AMM's performance at the 2009 Freedom of the City Festival with AMM regular members Eddie Prevost and John Tilbury extended with John Butcher, Chritian Wolff and Ute Kanngiesser.

AMM (Cardew / Gare / Hobbs / Prevost / Rowe): The Crypt - 12th June 1968 The Complete Session [2 CDs
AMM (Cardew / Gare / Hobbs / Prevost / Rowe):
The Crypt - 12th June 1968 The Complete Session [2 CDs]

(Matchless -- Great Britain )

Price: $28.50    

Out of Stock

Perhaps the most iconic and "classic" of AMM albums, recorded at The Crypt in London in 1968 with AMM as the quartet of Cornelius Cardew on piano & cello, Lou Gare on saxophone and violin, Christopher Hobbs on percussion, Eddie Prevost on percussion, and Keith Rowe on guitar & electronics.

AMM (Prevost / Gare): To Hear and Back Again
AMM (Prevost / Gare):
To Hear and Back Again

(Matchless -- Great Britain )

Price: $17.95    

Out of Stock
AMM w/ John Butcher: Trinity
AMM w/ John Butcher:

(Matchless -- Great Britain )

Price: $18.95    

Out of Stock

New 2008 recordings from AMM - Eddie Prevost & John Tilbury with John Butcher - performing at Trinity College of Music in Greenwich, England.

AMM (Prevost / Rowe / Tilbury): Tunes Without Measure or End
AMM (Prevost / Rowe / Tilbury):
Tunes Without Measure or End

(Matchless -- Great Britain )

Price: $17.95    

In Stock
AMM (Prevost / Tilbury): Two London Concerts
AMM (Prevost / Tilbury):
Two London Concerts

(Matchless -- Great Britain )

Price: $17.95    

Out of Stock

Two live recordings by master improvisers John Tilbury (piano) and Eddie Prevost (percussion) playing two emotional sets that are quiet at just the right times and allow for a balanced amount of white space, creating beautiful music.

AMM (Prevost / Tilbury): Uncovered Correspondence: A Postcard From Jaslo
AMM (Prevost / Tilbury):
Uncovered Correspondence: A Postcard From Jaslo

(Matchless -- Great Britain )

Price: $18.95    

Out of Stock

2010 recordings of AMM (pianist John Tilbury and percussionist Eddie Prevost) performing at the Dom Kultury Centre in Poland, three "paragraphs" of introspective and exceptional improvisation.

Butcher / Viltard / Prevost: "All But" - Meetings with Remarkable Saxophonists -- Volume 2
Butcher / Viltard / Prevost:
"All But" - Meetings with Remarkable Saxophonists -- Volume 2

(Matchless -- Great Britain )

Price: $18.95    

Out of Stock

The second volume of Eddie Prevost's 2011 series of concerts at Network Theatre, Waterloo, London meeting with remarkable saxophonists, here with John Butcher on tenor & soprano, with Guillaume Viltard on double bass.

Denzler, Bertrand / John Edwards / Eddie Prevost: "All-in-All [en tout en pour tout]" Meetings With
Denzler, Bertrand / John Edwards / Eddie Prevost:
"All-in-All [en tout en pour tout]" Meetings With Remarkable Saxophonists | Volume 4

(Matchless -- Great Britain )

Price: $18.95    

Out of Stock

The final of 4 volumes documenting a series of concerts Eddie Prevost organised at the Network Theatre in London, trio sessions featuring the finest modern free improvising saxophonists, here with Bertrand Denzler on sax and bassist John Edwards accompanying.

Smith Quartet with John Tilbury: Morton Feldman: Music for Piano and Strings Volume 2 [DVD-AUDIO]
Smith Quartet with John Tilbury:
Morton Feldman: Music for Piano and Strings Volume 2 [DVD-AUDIO]

(Matchless -- Great Britain )

Price: $28.95    

In Stock

The 2nd volume of "Music for Piano and Strings" by Morton Feldman is performed by The Smith Quartet with John Tilbury, presenting "Patterns In a Chromatic Field", and "Piano, violin, Viola, Cello", on DVD audio to allow for the length of these large works.

Free Jazz Quartet: Memories For The Future
Free Jazz Quartet:
Memories For The Future

(Matchless -- Great Britain )

Price: $18.95    

Out of Stock

The quartet of Paul Rutherford, Harrison Smith, Tony Moore and Eddie Prevost from a concert in Bristol, UK in 1992, intricate and informed interplay from Euro free jazz masters.

Hubbub: Whobub [2 CDs]
Whobub [2 CDs]

(Matchless -- Great Britain )

Price: $33.95    

Out of Stock

A double CD by the French free improvising ensemble Hubbub recording live in 2010: CD1 in concert at Festival Muzzix, La Malterie, Lille; CD2 at Carre Bleu, Poitiers.

Lexer / Prevost / Wright: Impossibility in its Purest Form
Lexer / Prevost / Wright:
Impossibility in its Purest Form

(Matchless -- Great Britain )

Price: $18.95    

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Leveraging the concept of the geometrically impossible Penrose Triangle, the trio of Sebastian Lexer (piano), Eddie Prevost (percussion) and Seymour Wright (sax) perform three permutations of duos and one full trio.

Lexer / Schiller: Luftwurzein
Lexer / Schiller:

(Matchless -- Great Britain )

Price: $19.95    

Out of Stock

Part of the Alike As Trees Festival 2011, pianist plus Sebastian Lexer met Christoph Schiller on spinet at The Rag Factory in London to record these intense and unexpected improvisations from two key instruments by two key London players.

Lexer, Sebastian / Evan Parker / Eddie Prevost: Tri-Borough Triptych
Lexer, Sebastian / Evan Parker / Eddie Prevost:
Tri-Borough Triptych

(Matchless -- Great Britain )

Price: $18.95    

Out of Stock

3 recordings from 3 live concerts in 3 London boroughs, including the 2012 Freedom of the City Festival, bringing together master improvisers Evan Parker (saxophone), Eddie Prevost (Percussion) and Sebastian Lexer (piano) for unpredictable and exhilarating dialog.

Lexer, Sebastian: Dazwischen
Lexer, Sebastian:

(Matchless -- Great Britain )

Price: $18.95    

Out of Stock

Dazwischen means in-between, and these works by pianist, electronic artist and AMM associate Sebastian Lexer bridge the electronic, compositional, and free improv worlds with subtlety.

Parker / Edwards / Prevost: "All Told" - Meetings with Remarkable Saxophonists -- Volume 1
Parker / Edwards / Prevost:
"All Told" - Meetings with Remarkable Saxophonists -- Volume 1

(Matchless -- Great Britain )

Price: $18.95    

Out of Stock

Eddie Prevost set up a series of 2011 concerts at Network Theatre, Waterloo, London to return to the drum kit in a meeting with remarkable saxophonist Evan Parker, with London in-demand bassist John Edwards.

Prevost, Eddie: Entelechy
Prevost, Eddie:

(Matchless -- Great Britain )

Price: $19.95    

In Stock
Rowe, Keith / Gunter Mueller / Taku Sugimoto: The World Turned Upside Down
Rowe, Keith / Gunter Mueller / Taku Sugimoto:
The World Turned Upside Down

(erstwhile -- USA )

Price: $14.95    

Out of Stock
Rowe, Keith / John Tilbury: E.E. Tension And Circumstance
Rowe, Keith / John Tilbury:
E.E. Tension And Circumstance

(Potlatch -- France )

Price: $16.95    

Out of Stock

The first meeting of AMM guitarist Keith Rowe and pianist John Tilbury after Rowe departed in 2004, a delicate and intricate long improvisation, fascinating dialog between two long-acquainted and innovative conversationalists.

Rowe, Keith / Toshimaru Nakamura: Weather Sky
Rowe, Keith / Toshimaru Nakamura:
Weather Sky

(erstwhile -- USA )

Price: $15.95    

Out of Stock
Rowe, Keith / Thomas Lehn /  Marcus Schmickler: Rabbit Run
Rowe, Keith / Thomas Lehn / Marcus Schmickler:
Rabbit Run

(erstwhile -- USA )

Price: $15.95    

Out of Stock
Schlippenbach / Parker / Edwards / Prevost: 3 Nights at Cafe Oto
Schlippenbach / Parker / Edwards / Prevost:
3 Nights at Cafe Oto

(Matchless -- Great Britain )

Price: $69.95    

Out of Stock

Presenting 3 CDs, a DVD, and a solid 80-page book of images and text, capturing 3 nights at Cafe Oto from the trio of Evan Parker (tenor sax), John Edwards (double bass), and Eddie Prevost (drums), joined one night by Alexander v. Schlippenbach, and another night by Christof Thewes.

Tilbury, John: Plays Samuel Beckett
Tilbury, John:
Plays Samuel Beckett

(Matchless -- Great Britain )

Price: $19.95    

In Stock
Various Artists: That Mysterious Forest Below London Bridge
Various Artists:
That Mysterious Forest Below London Bridge

(Matchless -- Great Britain )

Price: $17.95    

In Stock

A live presentation at the Shunt Lounge, London Bridge in November of 2006, including an AMM duo of John Tilbury and Eddie Prevost.

Wright, Seymour / Eddie Prevost: Gamut
Wright, Seymour / Eddie Prevost:

(Matchless -- Great Britain )

Price: $18.95    

Out of Stock

AMM percussionist Eddie Prevost on roto toms with alto saxophonist Seymour Wright in a 5 part series of G.A.M.U.T. free improvisations and interactions.

Yarde, Jason / Oli Hayhurst / Eddie Prevost: "All Together" - Meetings with Remarkable Saxophonists
Yarde, Jason / Oli Hayhurst / Eddie Prevost:
"All Together" - Meetings with Remarkable Saxophonists | Volume 3

(Matchless -- Great Britain )

Price: $18.95    

Out of Stock

The 3rd volume from a series of concerts Eddie Prevost organised at the Network Theatre in London, trio sessions featuring the finest modern free improvising saxophonists, here with Jason Yarde on alto & soprano, and Oil Hayhurst rounding out the trio on double bass.

Cosottini / Melani / Miano / Pisani: Cardinal
Cosottini / Melani / Miano / Pisani:

(Impressus Records -- USA )

Price: $13.95    

In Stock

The quartet of Cosottini, Melano, Pisani, Miano (EAQuartet Electroacoustic) in compositions referring to the 4 cardinal map points using graphic scores, games, open readings, &c.

Prevost, Eddie / Alan Wilkinson: So Are We, So Are We
Prevost, Eddie / Alan Wilkinson:
So Are We, So Are We

(Matchless -- Great Britain )

Price: $18.95    

Out of Stock
AMM: Spanish Fighters
Spanish Fighters

(Matchless -- Great Britain )

Price: $17.95    

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Recorded at the festival Neposlusno (Sound Disobedience) in Ljubljana, Slovenia in 2012, the AMM duo of Eddie Prevost on percussion and John Tilbury on piano perform an extend improvisation of tension and dynamic, delicately balancing sound in a rich dialog.

Catchpole / Edwards / Prevost: Beyond the Barrier
Catchpole / Edwards / Prevost:
Beyond the Barrier

(Matchless -- Great Britain )

Price: $17.95    

Out of Stock

Superb free improvisation from the UK trio of Nathaniel Catchpole on tenor sax, John Edwards on double bass, and Eddie Prevost on drums and bowed tam-tam, three generations of improvisers pushing the envelope of spontaneous composition in accomplished and playful dialog.

Guy, Barry / Eddie Prevost / Evan Parker / Keith Rowe: Supersession [REMASTERED, REPACKAGED, ADDITIO
Guy, Barry / Eddie Prevost / Evan Parker / Keith Rowe:

(Matchless -- Great Britain )

Price: $17.95    

Out of Stock

Recorded at a concert in London, September 1984, this supersession brings AMM stalwarts Keith Rowe and Eddie Prevost together with saxophonist Evan Parker and bassist Barry Guy for an amazingly diverse and cohesive long improvisation.

Lewis, Downing & Martin: On a Short Path from Memory to Forgotten
Lewis, Downing & Martin:
On a Short Path from Memory to Forgotten

(Barnyard -- Canada )

Price: $14.95    

In Stock

This exquisite improvising trio in a passionate and lyrical sequence of group improvisations, introducing one of Toronto's extraordinary creative music ensembles.

Lexer, Sebastian / Steve Noble: Muddy Ditch
Lexer, Sebastian / Steve Noble:
Muddy Ditch

(Fataka -- Great Britain )

Price: $14.95    

Out of Stock

Two live sets of exemplary improvisation: the first revelatory encounter of pianist Sebastian Lexer and drummer/percussionist Steve Noble from 2011, and a more considered and spacious meeting in 2014, both from London's Cafe OTO.

Jorge, Paulo Alexandre Improbable Trio (w/ Tom Wheatley / Eddie Prevost): Elements
Jorge, Paulo Alexandre Improbable Trio (w/ Tom Wheatley / Eddie Prevost):

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

Price: $16.95    

In Stock

Saxophonist Paulo Alexandre Jorge leads his Improbable Trio with Tom Wheatley on double bass and AMM/Matchless legendary percussionist Eddie Prevost in a six part album of ardent free improvisation on titles about Sex, Love, Death, Friendship, Art Beauty, Power Law, &c.

Smith Quartet with John Tilbury: Morton Feldman: Music for Piano and Strings Volume 3 [DVD-AUDIO]
Smith Quartet with John Tilbury:
Morton Feldman: Music for Piano and Strings Volume 3 [DVD-AUDIO]

(Matchless -- Great Britain )

Price: $28.95    

Out of Stock

Recorded live at the Huddersfield Festival of Contemporary Music in 2006, this is the 3rd and final volume of works by Morton Feldman performed by the Smith Quartet with John Tilbury on piano, recorded in high quality DVD audio and with extensive liner notes by Tilbury.

Judson Trio (Joelle Leandre / Mat Maneri / Gerald Cleaver): An Air of Unreality [VINYL]
Judson Trio (Joelle Leandre / Mat Maneri / Gerald Cleaver):
An Air of Unreality [VINYL]

(RogueArt -- France )

Price: $19.95    

Out of Stock

A live performance at Judson Church in Manhattan as part of the 20th Vision Festival from the NY/France free improvising trio of Joelle Leandre on double bass, Mat Maneri on viola, and Gerald Cleaver on drums and percussion, two tracks of steadily building, incredibly compatible dialog.

Wisseltangcamatta, The: Movements
Wisseltangcamatta, The:

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

Price: $16.95    

Out of Stock

Live recordings at LOFT in Cologne, Germany from the trio of George Wissel on prepared saxophone, Achim Tang on doublebass, and Simon Camatta on drums & percussion, performing seven "Movements" that use prodigious technique with reserve and direction, revealing the structure of their work as the pieces build and recede in fascinating ways.

Invenio Ergo (Prevost / Lambert / Wright): Sum [2 CDs]
Invenio Ergo (Prevost / Lambert / Wright):
Sum [2 CDs]

(Matchless -- Great Britain )

Price: $34.95    

Out of Stock

Eddie Prevost's weekly workshops in London have produced two remarkable associates, saxophonist Seymour Wright and guitarist Ross Lambert, here in a trio on this 2CD release.

Prevost / Allum / Kanngiesser / Kasyansky / Lazaridou / Yoshikawa: Workshop Concert at Cafe Oto
Prevost / Allum / Kanngiesser / Kasyansky / Lazaridou / Yoshikawa:
Workshop Concert at Cafe Oto

(Matchless -- Great Britain )

Price: $17.95    

Out of Stock

AMM percussionist Eddie Prevost has presented weekly Workshop Concerts since 1999, here recording live at London's Cafe Oto in May, 2012 with a sextet of acoustic and electronic performers on violin, cello, theremin, zither, electronics, and percussion.

Wolff, Christian / Eddie Prevost: Uncertain Outcomes [2 CDs]
Wolff, Christian / Eddie Prevost:
Uncertain Outcomes [2 CDs]

(Matchless -- UK )

Price: $24.95    

In Stock

Two concerts of experimental improvisation from two giants of conceptual improvisation and composition, recorded at IKLECTIK in London in 2015 and at Dartmouth College, in Hanover, New Hampshire in 2016; with superb pacing and brilliant execution, these dialogs between keyboard and percussive instruments explore unique sound worlds with depth, inquisitiveness, and a sense of wonder.

Butcher, John / Eddie Prevost : Interworks
Butcher, John / Eddie Prevost :

(Matchless -- Great Britain )

Price: $18.95    

Out of Stock
9!: None (-t)
None (-t)

(Matchless -- UK )

Price: $17.95    

Out of Stock

The transnational ensemble of acoustic improvisers Nathaniel Catchpole on tenor saxophone, Elk calls, Jamie Coleman on trumpet, Alex James on piano, Ross Lambert on guitar, pocket trumpet, preparations, John Lely on piano, Sebastian Lexer on piano, Marianthi Papalexandri on moving objects, Eddie Prevost on percussion, and Seymour Wright on alto saxophone.

AMM (Previost / Rowe / Tilbury): An Unintended Legacy [3 CDs]
AMM (Previost / Rowe / Tilbury):
An Unintended Legacy [3 CDs]

(Matchless -- UK )

Price: $44.95    

Out of Stock

A beautiful 3-CD set with a hardcover book presenting 3 full concerts from 2015 & 2016 of the AMM trio configuration of John Tilbury (piano), Keith Rowe (guitar) and Eddie Prevost (percussion). The 70 page book, dedicated to saxophonist Lou Gare, includes an AMM discography, plus photos, and essays by Paige Mitchell and Allen Fisher; Keith Rowe; Eddie Prevost; and Seymour Wright.

Ikeda / Prevost: The Whole Moon Rests in a Dewdrop on the Grass
Ikeda / Prevost:
The Whole Moon Rests in a Dewdrop on the Grass

(Matchless -- UK )

Price: $17.95    

Out of Stock

Performing live at Cafe OTO in London, 2018, Japanese sound artist and composer Ken Ikeda comes together with percussionist and Matchless label-leader Eddie Prevost for a concert of resonant, rich improvisation, Ikeda's electronics complementing Prevost's bowed cymbals as the duo builds to a diverse offering of powerful yet controlled sonic uproar; stunning.

Moore / Edwards / Prevost: Darkened, yet shone
Moore / Edwards / Prevost:
Darkened, yet shone

(Matchless -- UK )

Price: $17.95    

In Stock

Combining free improvisation, free jazz, rock, and electronic/EA-improv, the trio of Eddie Prevost (drums), NO Moore (guitarist), and bassist John Edwards are caught live at IKLECTIK in London, 2017, for a concert that changes pace from vigorous riffs to unconventional introspection, with masterful playing and profound technique, an exceptional performance.

Parker, Evan / Eddie Prevost: Tools Of Imagination
Parker, Evan / Eddie Prevost:
Tools Of Imagination

(Listen! Foundation (Fundacja Sluchaj!) -- Poland )

Price: $15.95    

In Stock

An awe-inspiring concert between two of London's free improvisation legends, recording at Pardon To Tu [Teatr Nowy Clubroom] in Poland--percussionist Eddie Prevost and saxophonist Evan Parker on tenor sax--in an hour-long performance that starts with Prevost's reverberant bowed metal, as the two build and recede with profound concentration and masterful skill.

Prevost / Solberg / Pettersen / Moore / Brice / Hardie-Bick: Plumes of Ash in Moonlight [2 CDs]
Prevost / Solberg / Pettersen / Moore / Brice / Hardie-Bick:
Plumes of Ash in Moonlight [2 CDs]

(Split Rock Records -- USA )

Price: $13.95    

In Stock

Bringing together two innovative improvising percussionists--Eddie Prevost of AMM fame, and Stale Liavik Solberg (VCDC, John Butcher)--for a studio album of wide-ranging and sometimes hair-raising electroacoustic improvisation, recorded live and unedited with Olie Brice on double bass, Tony Hardie-Bick on piano & tapes, Ed Pettersen on lap steel, and NO Moore on guitar.

AMM (Prevost / Rowe / Tilbury): Generative Themes
AMM (Prevost / Rowe / Tilbury):
Generative Themes

(Matchless -- Great Britain )

Price: $17.95    

Out of Stock
Moore / Prevost / Yarde: Nous
Moore / Prevost / Yarde:

(Matchless -- UK )

Price: $17.95    

In Stock

A concert by drummer Eddie PrŽvost, electric guitarist N.O. Moore, and saxophonist Jason Yarde on alto & soprano recorded at the Vortex Jazz Club, in London, Moore deploying effects and Yarde using electronics to create subtexts of sounds, especially on the extended 25 minute "Impossible Meaning" where unusual structures meld with the acoustic free playing.

Crispell / Prevost / Smith: ConcertOTO
Crispell / Prevost / Smith:

(Matchless -- UK )

Price: $17.95    

Out of Stock

American pianist Marilyn Crispell joined London Improviser's Orchestra saxophonist & clarinetist Harry Smith and AMM drummer Eddie Prévost for this 2012 concert at London's Cafe OTO, playing in a melodic free jazz mode of passionate interaction and deep communication, resulting in an unforced and naturally masterful set of thoughtfully lyrical improvisation.

Allum, Jennifer / John Butcher / Ute Kanngiesser / Eddie Prevost: Sounds of Assembly
Allum, Jennifer / John Butcher / Ute Kanngiesser / Eddie Prevost:
Sounds of Assembly

(Meenna -- Japan )

Price: $15.95    

In Stock

Assembled in London to improvise music for Stewart Morgan's film Eddie Prevost's Blood, this release adds much more material beyond the soundtrack, in a superb example of free and charged creative improvisation seeking unique combinations of expression, from Jennifer Allum on violin, John Butcher on saxophones, Ute Kanngiesser on cello and Eddie Prevost on percussion.

Edwards, John / N.O. Moore / Eddie Prevost / Alan Wilkinson: EMPoWered
Edwards, John / N.O. Moore / Eddie Prevost / Alan Wilkinson:

(577 Records -- USA )

Price: $16.00    

In Stock

A live performance from London's I'klectik by British musicians John Edwards (double bass), N.O. Moore (guitar), and Eddie Prévost (drums), who have a long-standing history as a trio known for both energetic playing and extraordinary introspection, here expanded with saxophonist Alan Wilkinson for two outstanding performances of technical mastery and deep communication.

Ikeda, Ken / Massimo Magee / Eddie Prevost / Joshua Weitzel: Easter Monday Music
Ikeda, Ken / Massimo Magee / Eddie Prevost / Joshua Weitzel:
Easter Monday Music

(577 Records -- USA )

Price: $16.00    

In Stock

Two extended free electroacoustic improvisations in the AMM/London Improvisation Workshop vein, recorded live at London's Cafe OTO: first a prelude in the duo of Massimo Magee on electronics & saxophone and Joshua Weitzel on the 3-string Japanese shamisen; then expanded to a quartet with percussionist Eddie Prevost and Ken Ikeda on synthesizer.

Musson / Moore / Brice / Prevost: Under the Sun
Musson / Moore / Brice / Prevost:
Under the Sun

(Matchless -- UK )

Price: $17.95    

Out of Stock

Quartet, the masterful grouping of Rachel Musson on tenor sax, NO Moore on electric guitar, Olie Brice on double bass and Eddie Prévost on drums, an improvising ensemble of wonderfully unpredictable momentum, from passages of quiet introspection to thunderous density, but always with attentive listening and imaginative responses, heard in this spectacular 2021 concert at Iklektic.

Prevost, Eddie: Collider: Or, Whose Drum is it, Anyway?
Prevost, Eddie:
Collider: Or, Whose Drum is it, Anyway?

(Matchless -- UK )

Price: $17.95    

Out of Stock

A series of impressive improvised solo drum performances by AMM/Matchless leader Eddie Prévost performed at Network Theatre in London, 2012, three pieces with each demonstrating a different characteristic of his remarkably creative and technically virtuosic playing, first with drum sticks, then with "Hands, brush, hands", and finally "Sticking it too".

AMM (Tilbury / Prevost): Industria
AMM (Tilbury / Prevost):

(Matchless -- UK )

Price: $17.95    

Out of Stock

The title Indústria was chosen by Eddie Prevost in tribute to the history behind the Museu Industrial de Bala do Tejo, in Portugal where this concert took place by the legendary free improvisation band AMM, represented here as the duo of percussionist Eddie Prévost and pianist John Tilbury, performing as part of the 2015 OUT.FEST - Festival Internacional de Musica Exploratoria do Barreiro.

Butcher / Prevost / Viltard: Iklectik Live One
Butcher / Prevost / Viltard:
Iklectik Live One

(Matchless -- UK )

Price: $17.95    

Out of Stock

Part of the Iklectic club's "Meetings With Remarkable Saxophonists" programmed by drummer Eddie Prévost and double bassist Guillaume Viltard, here meeting John Butcher performing on tenor and soprano saxophone for a masterful concert of free improvisations, energetically turning the "Electric", "Light", "On", "Click" through 4 extended and remarkable converstations.

Kordik / Lucas / Prevost: High Laver Reflections
Kordik / Lucas / Prevost:
High Laver Reflections

(Matchless / Earshot -- UK )

Price: $17.95    

In Stock

The Earshots duo of Daniel Kordik on modular synthesizer and Edward Lucas on trombone reprise their meeting a year earlier with free improvising percussionist and AMM legend Eddie Prévost, drawn by the natural resonance of the All Saints Church in Essex, England, recording these electroacoustic improvisations of astonishing sonic properties and astounding technique.

Prevost, Eddie Band (w/ Hawkins / Gold / Mattos): Bean Soup and Bouquets
Prevost, Eddie Band (w/ Hawkins / Gold / Mattos):
Bean Soup and Bouquets

(Matchless -- UK )

Price: $17.95    

Out of Stock

Their 1st album released in 1977 on Spotlite Records label, the free jazz quartet led by PrŽvost on drums, Geoff Hawkins on tenor saxophone, Gerry Gold on trumpet & flugelhorn, and Marcio Mattos on double bass, released two live albums on the Matchless label before disbanding; this live album from Cata OTO in London in 2020 reunites the band for a solid concert 42 years after.

Brown, Earle: Chamber Music
Brown, Earle:
Chamber Music

(Matchless -- Great Britain )

Price: $17.95    

Out of Stock

Earle Brown conducts a chamber ensemble including John Tilbury on piano through a number of compositions, including versions of "October", "November", & "December", "Corroboree 1964 For Three Pianos", "Trio For Five Dances", and "Tracking Pierrot For Ensable".

Prevost, Eddie / Alan Wilkinson / Joe Williamson: Along Came Joe
Prevost, Eddie / Alan Wilkinson / Joe Williamson:
Along Came Joe

(Matchless -- Great Britain )

Price: $11.95    

In Stock
Schlippenbach, Alexander Von & Eddie Prevost: Blackheath
Schlippenbach, Alexander Von & Eddie Prevost:

(Matchless -- Great Britain )

Price: $18.95    

In Stock

Pianist von Schlippenbach and drummer Eddie Prevost on an album of two solo works each, and then together for a piece inspired by Thelonius Monk.

Tilbury, John / Eddie Prevost: Discrete Moments
Tilbury, John / Eddie Prevost:
Discrete Moments

(Matchless -- Great Britain )

Price: $19.95    

In Stock
Chant, Tom / John Edwards / Eddie Prevost: All Change
Chant, Tom / John Edwards / Eddie Prevost:
All Change

(Matchless -- Great Britain )

Price: $18.95    

Out of Stock

Recorded in concert at The Network Theatre, Waterloo in London, 2012, the trio of Tom Chant on saxophone, John Edwards on bass and Eddie Prevost on drums present a tour de force of modern free jazz with great technical and conversational power.

Smith Quartet with John Tilbury: Morton Feldman: Music For Piano And Strings Volume 1 [DVD-AUDIO]
Smith Quartet with John Tilbury:
Morton Feldman: Music For Piano And Strings Volume 1 [DVD-AUDIO]

(Matchless -- Great Britain )

Price: $29.95    

In Stock

The Smith Quartet with pianist John Tilbury perform two long works by Morton Feldman: "For John Cage" (1982) and "Piano and String Quartet" (1985) on DVD Audio.

Wilkinson / Prevost / Moore / Edwards + Catchpole: Do Disturb (Concerts at Cafe OTO)
Wilkinson / Prevost / Moore / Edwards + Catchpole:
Do Disturb (Concerts at Cafe OTO)

(Matchless -- UK )

Price: $17.95    

Out of Stock

Capturing two exceptional concerts at London's Cafe OTO in 2021 & 2022, in the launch of a new quartet expanding the longstanding trio of NO Moore on electric guitar, John Edwards on double bass and Eddie Prévost on drums, with Alan Wilkinson on baritone & alto saxophones, and for one performance on each night, tenor saxophonist Nathaniel Catchpole joining.

Yarde / Wright / Wilkinson / Smith / Lynch / Chat: A Company of Others
Yarde / Wright / Wilkinson / Smith / Lynch / Chat:
A Company of Others

(Matchless -- UK )

Price: $17.95    

In Stock

To celebrate drummer/percussionist Eddie Prévost's 80th birthday, Café Oto hosted four concerts once a week in June, 2022, each a differing configuration from Prévost's history; this first concert brings together Prévost with four horn players, NO Moore on guitar and Marcio Matttons on double bass, for varying duos, trios and full ensemble performances.

Butcher / Charbin / Kanngiesser / Prevost: The Art Of Noticing
Butcher / Charbin / Kanngiesser / Prevost:
The Art Of Noticing

(Matchless -- UK )

Price: $17.95    

In Stock

"To celebrate drummer/percussionist Eddie Prévost's 80th birthday, Café Oto hosted four concerts once a week in June, 2022, each a differing configuration from Prévost's history; this 2nd concert brings together Prévost, Marjolaine Charbin (piano), Ute Kanngiesser (cello) and John Butcher (sax), the same group that recorded the contemporary album Sounds of Assembly on the Meena label.

AMM (Rowe / Prevost + Tilbury): Last Calls
AMM (Rowe / Prevost + Tilbury):
Last Calls

(Matchless -- UK )

Price: $17.95    

Out of Stock

To celebrate drummer/percussionist Eddie Prévost's 80th birthday, Café Oto hosted four concerts once a week in June, 2022, each a differing configuration from Prévost's history; this final concert reconvened for an extended improvisation between Prévost & guitarist Keith Rowe, with a "Postscript" from pianist John Tilbury recorded at his home in January, 2023.

Widdershins (Coleman / Ederer / Malone / Mills / Gold / Hill / Kordik): Widdershins
Widdershins (Coleman / Ederer / Malone / Mills / Gold / Hill / Kordik):

(Matchless -- UK )

Price: $17.95    

In Stock

To celebrate drummer/percussionist Eddie Prévost's 80th birthday, Café Oto hosted four concerts once a week in June, 2022, each a differing configuration from Prévost's history; this third concert presents combinations of improvisers from Prévost's weekly workshop series through diverse groupings from trio to septet.

Amico, Agnese: Alalie
Amico, Agnese:

(zOaR Records -- USA )

Price: $13.95    

In Stock

Recorded live using the natural resonance of an apse in Giudecca, Venice, Sicilian-Norwegian contemporary & improvising violinist Agnese Amico performs on the Hardanger Fiddle, the traditional instrument of Norway that provides resonating strings under four violin strings, for 10 works inspired by historic popular songs while expressing a sensation of alalie.

Butcher, John / Dominic Lash / Emil Karlsen: Here and How
Butcher, John / Dominic Lash / Emil Karlsen:
Here and How

(Bead -- UK )

Price: $16.95    

In Stock

Impeccably recorded in the studio, the long-running and varied collaborations of saxophonist John Butcher, double bassist Dominic Lash and drummer Emil Karlsen come together for the first time as a trio, recording eight succinct improvisations of remarkable technique and nearly telepathic dialog, allowing space for each player to display their masterful skill.

Rowe, Keith / Graham Lambkin: Making A
Rowe, Keith / Graham Lambkin:
Making A

(erstwhile -- USA )

Price: $13.95    

Out of Stock

Keith Rowe first met Graham Lambkin at erstwhile's 2007 Amplify 2011 festival in NYC, playing again in 2013, and recording this album at Lambkin's house that same year, creating something unusual and unique from each player's perspective.

Rowe, Keith / Taku Unami: ErstLive 006
Rowe, Keith / Taku Unami:
ErstLive 006

(erstwhile -- USA )

Price: $13.95    

Out of Stock

A first meeting of guitar and electronics artist Keith Rowe with computer and string performer Taku Unami at the Amplify 2008: light festival in Tokyo.

Rowe, Keith / Toshimaru Nakamura: ErstLive 008
Rowe, Keith / Toshimaru Nakamura:
ErstLive 008

(erstwhile -- USA )

Price: $13.95    

Out of Stock

The fourth set from Keith Rowe's duos at Erstwhile's AMPLIFY 2008 festival in Tokyo, a duo with long-time partner Toshimaru Nakamura, intense ea-improv from two masters.


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Edwards, John / N.O. Moore / Eddie Prevost / Alan Wilkinson: EMPoWered

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AMM: Spanish Fighters

Butcher / Charbin / Kanngiesser / Prevost: The Art Of Noticing

Yarde / Wright / Wilkinson / Smith / Lynch / Chat: A Company of Others

AMM (Prevost / Tilbury): Aura

Wolff, Christian / Eddie Prevost: Uncertain Outcomes [2 CDs]

Moore / Edwards / Prevost: Darkened, yet shone

Allum, Jennifer / John Butcher / Ute Kanngiesser / Eddie Prevost: Sounds of Assembly

Charbin / Prevost: The Cry of a Dove Announcing Rain (Two Afternoon Concerts at Cafe OTO)

Moore / Prevost / Yarde: Nous

Schmid, Silvan / Tom Wheatley / Eddie Prevost: The Wandering One - High Laver Levitation Volume 2

Prevost / Solberg / Pettersen / Moore / Brice / Hardie-Bick: Plumes of Ash in Moonlight [2 CDs]

AMM (Tilbury / Prevost): Place Sub. V

Prevost, Eddie / NO Moore / Henry Kaiser / Binker Golding / Olie Brice: The Secret Handshake with Da

Widdershins (Coleman / Ederer / Malone / Mills / Gold / Hill / Kordik): Widdershins

Butcher, John / Dominic Lash / Emil Karlsen: Here and How

Parker, Evan / Eddie Prevost: Tools Of Imagination

AMM (Prevost / Rowe / Tilbury): Fine

Jorge, Paulo Alexandre Improbable Trio (w/ Tom Wheatley / Eddie Prevost): Elements

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The Squid's Ear Magazine

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