The Squid's Ear Magazine
Recordings Utilizing the Natural Resonance of a Space

Bec, Mathieu / Michel Doneda: A Peripheral Time
Bec, Mathieu / Michel Doneda:
A Peripheral Time

(FMR -- UK )

Price: $15.95    

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Using the natural resonance of the chapelle St Sylvestre des Brousses, French improvisers Michel Doneda on saxophone & radio and Mathieu Bec on snare drum and objects explore the space in four mostly acoustic improvisations, using masterful technique as their interactions intensify and recede, allowing space for each other and the unspoken third voice of the chapel itself.

Common Objects (Davies / Butcher / Davies / Lapelyte / Patterson / Thomas): Skullmarks
Common Objects (Davies / Butcher / Davies / Lapelyte / Patterson / Thomas):

(Meenna -- Japan )

Price: $16.95    

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Distributing the group--John Butcher, Angharad Davies, Lina Lapelyte, Lee Patterson, Pat Thomas, and Rhodri Davies--inside the Pitt Rivers Museum in Oxford, Butcher chose 4 shamanic objects from the museum's ethnographic collection, evoking water, air, earth, spirit, ritual and utility, used as a score orchestrating varying combinations of players; intense and profound improvisation.

Costa, Carlo : Silos
Costa, Carlo :

(Neither/Nor Records -- USA )

Price: $13.95    

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While on vacation in Rome in 2018, NY percussionist Carlo Costa took his portable recorder inside a grain silo in the countryside north of the city, eschewing traditional percussion for found bricks, pipes, rocks and branches found nearby, recording in the resonance of the silo with the sounds of cicadas and other ambiance permeating the silo as he unfolds this engrossing, thoughtfully paced improvisation.

Fullman, Ellen / David Gamper w/ Stuart Dempster: Pink Sea Thrift [VINYL]
Fullman, Ellen / David Gamper w/ Stuart Dempster:
Pink Sea Thrift [VINYL]

(fo'c'sle -- USA )

Price: $20.95    

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Six works by iconic composer Ellen Fullman in a duo with David Gamper, an original member of Pauline Oliveros' Deep Listening Band — ecstatic and mesmerizing improvisations recorded in the resonant space of the Headlands Center for the Arts in Marin, CA — plus 2 tracks of a duo between Ellen Fullman and Deep Listening Band founding member Stuart Dempster on trombone & didjeridu.

Gabriel, Julius: Geminga
Gabriel, Julius:

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

Price: $16.95    

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Using the natural resonance of the chapel of Oficinas do Convento, in Montemor-o-Novo, Portugal, saxophonist Julius Gabriel recorded these ten diverse solo improvisations, performing on soprano, tenor & baritone saxophones, applying unusual and extended techniques to his playing in a mixture of technical prowess and implicit wit & melodicism.

Geordie Approach, The (Birkeland / Fadnes / Charkey): Shields
Geordie Approach, The (Birkeland / Fadnes / Charkey):

(Discus -- UK )

Price: $16.95    

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Two Norwegians and a Geordie (ie, NE Englander), from drummer Stale Birkeland, saxophonist Petter Frost Fadnes, and guitarist Chris Sharkey, since 2007 creating epic works of rich electroacoustic improvisation, recording their third album after extensive touring through Europe and Japan, using the the natural resonance of the Chapel FM, in Leeds to enrich their sound.

Heilbron, Jon: Puma Court
Heilbron, Jon:
Puma Court

(Another Timbre -- UK )

Price: $15.95    

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Two compositions from Berlin-based Australian composer-instrumentalist Jon Heilbron scored for two double basses and two hardanger fiddles--violins with extra sympahetic strings-- in his two part "Puma Court", a slowly-evolving work that develops uniquely rich acoustic environments of interacting harmonies & timbres, punctuated with subtle percussive elements.

Katarsis4 (Bizys / Janonis / Pancerovas / Jusinskas): Live At The Underground Water Reservoir [VINYL
Katarsis4 (Bizys / Janonis / Pancerovas / Jusinskas):
Live At The Underground Water Reservoir [VINYL]

(NoBusiness -- Lithuania )

Price: $23.95    

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Using the natural resonance of the Liepkalnis underground water reservoir in Vilnius, Lithuania, the Katarsis4 saxophone quartet of Arminas Bizys, Algirdas Janonis, Danielius Pancerovas and Kazimieras Jusinskas merge free improvisation, both melodic and of extended tetechniques, with composed forms and folk music, capturing this extended work of beguiling and powerful music.

Kaucic, Zlatko Quintet: Morning Patches
Kaucic, Zlatko Quintet:
Morning Patches

(Listen! Foundation (Fundacja Sluchaj!) -- Poland )

Price: $15.95    

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Using the natural resonance of the St. Martin's Church, in Smartno, Slovenia, percussionist Zlatko Kaucic leads the quintet of Michael Moore on alto sax & clarinet, Marco Colonna on clarinet & bass clarinet, Albert Cirera on tenor sax, and Silvia Bolognesi on Double Bass, in ten conversations from cinematic conversation to commandingly interactive.

Parker, Evan: Six of One [VINYL]
Parker, Evan:
Six of One [VINYL]

(Otoroku -- UK )

Price: $29.95    

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London's Otoroku label keeps this magnificent album in print with a 2021 reissue of the 1982 Incus release featuring Evan Parker performing solo on soprano saxophone, using the natural resonance of the Church Of St. Jude-on-the-Hill, in Hampstead London as he explores upper tones and high frequency split tones in a technically brilliant display.

Shiraishi, Tamio: Sora
Shiraishi, Tamio:

(Relative Pitch -- USA )

Price: $13.95    

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Japanese saxophonist living in NYC Tamio Shiraishi, an associate of Keiji Haino, has a unique approach to his solo work, often playing outdoors in concert with nature, or using the natural resonance of his performance space, recreating the sounds of wind, birds, water, and any other natural "noise" sounds, here in a live performance at Issue Project Room & 6 studio recordings.

Wong, Theresa / Frantz Loriot: Live at Zoom In
Wong, Theresa / Frantz Loriot:
Live at Zoom In

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

Price: $16.95    

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Recording at the magnificent cathedral at Berner Münster in Switzerland during the 2017 Zoom In Festival, the improvising string duo of violist Frantz Loriot and cellist Theresa Wong, also on voice, performed this extended work of creative string interaction, energetic and idiosyncratic and wonderfully expressive, enhanced by the natural resonance of the space.

Fraser / McCowen / Weinberg: Thip [CASSETTE w/ DOWNLOAD]
Fraser / McCowen / Weinberg:

(Tripticks Tapes -- USA )

Price: $8.95    

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Recorded primarily at Issue Project Room in Brooklyn and leveraging the natural resonance of that performance space, the New York trio of innovative improvisers Henry Frase on double bass, John McCowen on Bb and contrabass clarinets and Sam Weinberg on tenor & soprano saxophones explore the peripheries of their instruments in intense and reflective interplay.

Roundell, Toby : Meditations On The Great O Antiphons [MP3 CD]
Roundell, Toby :
Meditations On The Great O Antiphons [MP3 CD]

(Edition Wandelweiser Records -- Germany )

Price: $12.95    

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A collaboration with German soprano vocalist Irene Kurka from London-born composer currently working in China, Toby Charles Roundell, seven works for unaccompanied solo voice, who have worked for several years exploring psalms, antiphons and books from the minor prophets, in seven contemplative works of spiritual, resonant vocal progressions.

Mazurek, Rob: All Distances Inform
Mazurek, Rob:
All Distances Inform

(RogueArt -- France )

Price: $16.95    

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Analogized to a form of poetry known as the Projective Verse, Chicago trumpeter Rob Mazurek propels clarion exclamation and contemplation on the piccolo trumpet through eleven improvisations utilizing the natural resonance of each room that he performs in, captured in True Stereo through dual microphones resulting in this remarkable solo album.

Guionnet, Jean-Luc / Lunar Error: Plafond De Verre
Guionnet, Jean-Luc / Lunar Error:
Plafond De Verre

(BeCoq -- France )

Price: $13.95    

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The French Lunar Error Ensemble employ acoustic and electric instruments including reeds, piano, percussion, electric guitars, synth & computers to create complex drone and sonic environments, here performing Jean-Luc Guionnet's work for micro-variations and harmonic interference, a slowly building and massive work recorded in the resonance of the Protestant temple, in Reims.

Houben, Eva-Maria: Together On The Way
Houben, Eva-Maria:
Together On The Way

(Another Timbre -- UK )

Price: $15.95    

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A brooding work for pipe organ, piano and percussion, created by composer Eva-Maria Houben and the GBSR Duo of Siwan Rhys & George Barton, commissioned by the 2021 Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival and recorded in concert in the resonance of of Huddersfield's St. Paul's Hall using the organ built by Wood's of Huddersfield.

Underriner, Chaz: Meditations
Underriner, Chaz:

(Edition Wandelweiser Records -- Germany )

Price: $12.95    

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Composer and sound artist Chaz Underriner composed these eight meditation in 2021 during residencies at the Atlantic Center for the Arts and the NYU Music Technology studios, recorded at Stetson University in Florida with an ensemble including four vocalists, cello, piano, percussion, electronics and field recordings; beautifully introspective and thought provoking works.

Fages, Ferran: From Grey To Blue
Fages, Ferran:
From Grey To Blue

(Inexhaustible Editions -- Slovenia )

Price: $13.95    

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Written by Catalan composer Ferran Fages for pianist Lluïsa Espigolé following a quote by Catalan author Carles Camps Mundó — "Barely anything: deformities of silence" — this delicate work of resonance, space and suspense slowly unfolds, the score giving Espigolé choices for timing and placement as each meaningful note or combination subsides.

Chrysakis, Thanos / Jason Alder: Milieu Interieur
Chrysakis, Thanos / Jason Alder:
Milieu Interieur

(Aural Terrains -- UK / EU )

Price: $17.95    

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Employing multiphonics, circular breathing and unusual sonic phenomena of immense control over the lowest of clarinets--the bass clarinet and contra bass clarinet--UK-based multi-reedist Jason Alder performs the two-part "Milieu Interiuer" composition by Greek composer Thanos Chrysakis, along with three other Chrysakis compositions for solo and layered clarinets.

Grimal, Alexandra: Refuge
Grimal, Alexandra:

(Relative Pitch -- USA )

Price: $13.95    

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Recorded using the natural resonance from the base of a stone double spiral staircase in the Castle of Chambord, France, improvising soprano saxophonist Alexandra Grimal explores her own personal language and the affect the ambience brings to her adept playing, through beautifully melodic lines, long arpeggiations, or short bursts of penetrating utterance.

Great Waitress (Mayas / Brooks / Altman): Back, Before
Great Waitress (Mayas / Brooks / Altman):
Back, Before

(Splitrec -- Australia )

Price: $16.95    

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Gorgeously subtle improvisation of a primarily acoustic nature through unfolding soundscapes of intricate restraint and deep listening, from the trio of Berlin pianist Magda Mayas and Sydney improvisers Monica Brooks on accordion and Laura Altman on clarinet & feedback, in their 4th release, recorded live in the reverberant church hall of the Annandale Creative Arts Centre.

de Asis, Clara / Mara Winter: Repetition Of The Same Dream
de Asis, Clara / Mara Winter:
Repetition Of The Same Dream

(Another Timbre -- UK )

Price: $15.95    

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During pandemic lockdowns, flutist Mara Winter and experimentalist Clara de Asís explored locations of natural resonance to capture this mix of composition and improvisation, delicate and detailed recordings of diverse intent, using harmonically rich tones and textures that resonate in mysterious and haunting ways of beautiful dream-like secrets and reveries.

Gauguet, Bertrand / John Tilbury: Contre-Courbes [2 CDs]
Gauguet, Bertrand / John Tilbury:
Contre-Courbes [2 CDs]

(Akousis Records -- France )

Price: $19.95    

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Two concert recordings between alto saxophonist Bertrand Gauget and pianist John Tilbury, one at Eglise Saint Maximin, in Metz, France in 2016 and the other at Festival Paysages d'écoute at Les Quinconces, France in 2019, leveraging the natural resonance of both spaces as they perform with concentrative pacing using advanced techniques to create drama and intensity.

Katarsis4 (Bizys / Janonis / Pancerovas / Jusinskas): Live At The Underground Water Reservoir
Katarsis4 (Bizys / Janonis / Pancerovas / Jusinskas):
Live At The Underground Water Reservoir

(NoBusiness -- Lithuania )

Price: $14.95    

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Using the natural resonance of the Liepkalnis underground water reservoir in Vilnius, Lithuania, the Katarsis4 saxophone quartet of Arminas Bizys, Algirdas Janonis, Danielius Pancerovas and Kazimieras Jusinskas merge free improvisation, both melodic and through extended tetechniques, with composed forms and folk music, capturing this extended work of beguiling and powerful music.

Kordik / Lucas / Prevost: High Laver Reflections
Kordik / Lucas / Prevost:
High Laver Reflections

(Matchless / Earshot -- UK )

Price: $17.95    

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The Earshots duo of Daniel Kordik on modular synthesizer and Edward Lucas on trombone reprise their meeting a year earlier with free improvising percussionist and AMM legend Eddie Prévost, drawn by the natural resonance of the All Saints Church in Essex, England, recording these electroacoustic improvisations of astonishing sonic properties and astounding technique.

Onda, Aki / Nao Nishihara: Kouya-e-to
Onda, Aki / Nao Nishihara:

(Ftarri -- Japan )

Price: $15.95    

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NYC performer Aki Onda and Yokohama sound artist Nao Nishihara began collaborating in 2015 while Nishihara was residing in NY on an Asian Cultural Council grant, returning in 2016 for this live performance exploring the architecture and acoustics of ISSUE's 22 Boerum Place theater, installing handmade instruments and analog equipment within a visually arranged set-up.

Riquelme, Matias / Fernando Ulzion: La Trahison Des Mots
Riquelme, Matias / Fernando Ulzion:
La Trahison Des Mots

(Listen! Foundation (Fundacja Sluchaj!) -- Poland )

Price: $15.95    

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Using the natural resonance of the Apodaka church in Alava, Spain, the Bilbao-based experimental improvising duo of cellist Francia Matías Riquelme and saxophonist Fernando Ulzion on soprano and alto, present an introspective and informed set of works titled as iconic jazz compositions, an implication of the impressionist approach their expansive and thoughtful playing invokes.

Shiraishi, Tamio: Moon
Shiraishi, Tamio:

(Relative Pitch -- USA )

Price: $13.95    

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Known for his resonant solo alto saxophone work, often recording with the New York City subways, this album presents ten unusual duos between Tamio Shiraishi and improvisers on piano, voice, cello, electronics, bass, guitar and sax, with Tim Dahl, Steve Baczkowski, Mico, Mike Sidnam, Austin Sley Julian, Nina Dante, Tara Fenamore, Leila Bordreuil, Chris Libutti, and Ami Yamasaki.

Meehan, Sean: Magazine
Meehan, Sean:

(Sacred Realism -- Germany )

Price: $13.95    

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Working only with a cowbell from a charity shop in NYC, percussionist Sean Meehan, whose performances often take place in locations of unique resonant properties, discovered the Fort Jay powder magazine at Governor's Island--a compartment once used to store ammunition and explosives--using its sonic properties to capture these two recordings reflecting the original purpose of that space.

Spaces Unfolding (Metcalfe / Wachsmann / Karlsen): The Way We Speak
Spaces Unfolding (Metcalfe / Wachsmann / Karlsen):
The Way We Speak

(Bead -- UK )

Price: $15.95    

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All three having met in the London Improvisers Orchestra, Neil Metcalfe on flute and violinist Philipp Wachsmann each worked with drummer Emil Karlsen in separate projects including Tern, and then at Karlsen's suggestion creating this new Spaces Unfolding trio, heard in their first album, recording in the natural resonance of St. Mary's Old Church in Stoke Newington.

Garcia, Miguel A. / Garazi Navas / Alex Reviriego / Vasco Trilla : Les Capelles
Garcia, Miguel A. / Garazi Navas / Alex Reviriego / Vasco Trilla :
Les Capelles

(Tripticks Tapes -- USA )

Price: $9.95    

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The first meeting of the quartet of electronic artist Miguel A. Garcia, accordionist Garazi Navas, double bassist Alex Reviriego and percussionist Vasco Trilla is this live performance at Convent de Sant Agusti, in Barcelona, using the natural resonance of the chapel to influence their introspective interactions of deep bass, evolving tones and mysterious percussive punctuations.

Davies, Rhodri: Trem
Davies, Rhodri:

(Amgen Records -- UK )

Price: $14.95    

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Reissuing his 2003 album on the Confront label, Rhodri Davies' first solo album is a captivating set of uniquely voiced free improvisation, using a pedal harp, radio and tape recorders and percussive devices, and recorded in the natural resonance of All Angels, St Michael and All Angels Church in London, creating narrative and drama through Davie's intuitive sense of timing.

Gjerstad, Frode / Kalle Moberg / Paal Nilssen-Love: Time Sound Shape
Gjerstad, Frode / Kalle Moberg / Paal Nilssen-Love:
Time Sound Shape

(PNL -- Norway )

Price: $14.95    

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A surprising trio for percussionist Paal Nilssen-Love and wind player Frode Gjerstad, who more typically play assertive free jazz of enthusiastic character and technical skill, but here joined by fellow Norwegian, accordionist Kalle Moberg, they instead turn in a beautifully reflective set with Paal primarily playing gongs, using the resonance of Oslo's Gamle Aker Kirke.

Oliveros, Pauline: The Well & The Gentle [VINYL 2 LPs]
Oliveros, Pauline:
The Well & The Gentle [VINYL 2 LPs]

(Important Records -- USA )

Price: $41.95    

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Reissuing two essential, major works from improviser, conceptualist, accordionist and composer Pauline Oliveros--The Well & The Gentle--recorded in 1984 with participation including fellow accordionist Guy Klucevsek, The Well recorded in the studio in Pennsylvania, The Gentle using the resonance of the drinking watertank Severin of Cologne in West Germany.

Ladisa, Stefania Strutture (w/ Adrian Northover / Marcello Magliocchi): Dal'Introspezione All'Intera
Ladisa, Stefania Strutture (w/ Adrian Northover / Marcello Magliocchi):
Dal'Introspezione All'Interazione

(FMR -- UK )

Price: $15.95    

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Two live performances at Sala Castello di Sannicandro di Bari and at Sala Auditorium Accademia Cinema Ragazzi in Bari, Italy from violinist & violist Stefania Ladisa's trio Strutture with drummer Marcello Magliocchi and saxophonist Adrian Northover (LIO, Remote Viewers, Runcible), using the resonance of the performances spaces in spacious free interaction.

Pettersen, Ed: Vigeland
Pettersen, Ed:

(Split Rock Records -- USA )

Price: $9.95    

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Inspired by a trip to the Emanuel Vigeland Mausoleum in Oslo, guitarist Ed Pettersen recorded this, his first solo guitar album, as a set of ambient/electronic recordings of long sustain and unexpected angles; seven tracks recorded live in the studio in London, and one recording in the Vigeland Mausoleum itself, using the resonance and 18-second decay of that space.

Medusa Unit (Ricardo Jacinto): Umbra, Antumbra & Penumbra
Medusa Unit (Ricardo Jacinto):
Umbra, Antumbra & Penumbra

(Shhpuma -- Portugal )

Price: $13.95    

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Originally a solo project for cello, electronics and resonant objects, Ricardo Jacinto (Pink Draft, String Theory, LFU) expands his concept that focuses on the relationship between sound and space with this septet, captured live at CCC in Portugal and featuring an instrument developed for the project using multiple microphones on the cello connected to resonant objects.

Lipson, Evan: Echo Chamber
Lipson, Evan:
Echo Chamber

(Public Eyesore -- USA )

Price: $12.95    

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A foundational player for bands including Dynamite Club, Virtual Balboa, Normal Love and work with Jack Wright and Mike Pride, double bassist Evan Lipson presents his debut solo release, a multi-channel recording presenting a single uninterrupted improvised double bass performance recorded live.

Belorukov, Ilia / Gabriel Ferrandini: Sculptor
Belorukov, Ilia / Gabriel Ferrandini:

(Tripticks Tapes -- USA )

Price: $9.95    

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Red Trio drummer Gabriel Ferrandini joins alto saxophonist Ilia Belorukov for a three-part freely improvised set captured live at Masterskaya Anikushina, in St. Petersberg, Russia, the former workspace of architect Mikhail Anikushin, a large space that creates a unique resonance that the two improvisers take advantage of through insistent yet discerningly constrained dialog.

Rodrigues, Guilherme: Acoustic Reverb
Rodrigues, Guilherme:
Acoustic Reverb

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

Price: $16.95    

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58 Compositions for Cello as part of a sound investigation process from Portuguese cellist based in Berlin, Guilherme Rodrigues, recording in 11 locations with interesting resonant properties, capturing several brief improvisations at each space, the architecture, delay, decay, and interaction affecting his approach and the sonic response to his playing.

Vinkeloe, Biggi / Mark Weaver / Damon Smith: Desert Sweets
Vinkeloe, Biggi / Mark Weaver / Damon Smith:
Desert Sweets

(Balance Point Acoustics -- USA )

Price: $9.95    

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Twenty two vignettes of improvised conversations named for desert fauna between alto saxophonist & flutist Biggi Vinkeloe, tuba & trombonist Mark Weaver, and double bassist Damon Smith, using a unique tuning choice for the band suggested by Vinkeloe, and applying a quality to the studio to create a uniquely orchestrated and resonant album of masterful playing.

Kuchen, Martin / Sophie Agnel: Detour Tunnels of Light
Kuchen, Martin / Sophie Agnel:
Detour Tunnels of Light

(thanatosis produktion -- Sweden )

Price: $15.95    

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Delicately caustic interactions of reeds, piano and percussion using the natural resonance of the Borlunda Church in Eslöv, Sweden, from the freely improvising duo of Martin Küchen and Sophie Agnel, Küchen adding electronics and Agnel performing inside and out of the piano while supplementing her palette with objects, both using space and patience as their allies.

Amico, Agnese: Alalie
Amico, Agnese:

(zOaR Records -- USA )

Price: $13.95    

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Recorded live using the natural resonance of an apse in Giudecca, Venice, Sicilian-Norwegian contemporary & improvising violinist Agnese Amico performs on the Hardanger Fiddle, the traditional instrument of Norway that provides resonating strings under four violin strings, for 10 works inspired by historic popular songs while expressing a sensation of alalie.

Tiner, Kris / Tatsuya Nakatani: The Magic Room
Tiner, Kris / Tatsuya Nakatani:
The Magic Room

(Epigraph Records -- USA )

Price: $14.95    

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Continuing their collaboration from the trio of Nakatani / Tiner / Drake and the duo album Dagny on Nakatani-Kobo, trumpeter Kris Tiner (Empty Cage Quartet) and percussionist Tatsuya Nakatani are heard in a recording from the top floor of the historic Woolworth's building in downtown Bakersfield, CA, adding a beautiful layer of resonance to their deceptively contemplative dialogs.

Butcher, John: The Very Fabric
Butcher, John:
The Very Fabric

(Ftarri / Hitorri -- Japan )

Price: $14.95    

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Impeccably recorded inside the Brønshøj Water Tower, in Copenhagen, Denmark, a highly resonant space built 100 years ago, where UK tenor and soprano saxophonist John Butcher continues his investigations into spaces with natural delay and decay, through 11 improvisations of discriminating pacing as he finds incredible beauty in floating and shifting tones and instrument errata; exquisite.

Olsen, Lance Austin / Bruno Duplant: Coincidence
Olsen, Lance Austin / Bruno Duplant:

(Ftarri -- Japan )

Price: $13.95    

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A single extended duo performance from improviser, composer and leader of the Infrequency Editions label, Lance Austin Olsen, performing on guitar, field recordings, wax cylinder recordings, MIDI organ & amplified objects, along with French pianist, composer and improviser Bruno Duplant, also credited with "sounds", a moody and tense work that meticulously uses innuendo and space.

Chrysakis, Thanos / Chris Cundy / Peer Schlechta / Ove Volquartz: Archangel
Chrysakis, Thanos / Chris Cundy / Peer Schlechta / Ove Volquartz:

(Aural Terrains -- UK )

Price: $17.95    

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The follow-up to Music for Two Organs and Two Bass Clarinets, combining the collective work of clarinetists Chris Cundy, (bass clarinets, soprano ocarina) & Ove Volquartz (bass clarinets), Thanos Chrysakis (chamber organ & voice) and Peer Schlechta (pipe organ), recorded in the natural resonance of the Neustadter Kirche church in Hofgeismar, Germany.

Shiroishi, Patrick: I Was Too Young To Hear Silence [VINYL]
Shiroishi, Patrick:
I Was Too Young To Hear Silence [VINYL]

(American Dreams Records -- USA )

Price: $17.95    

In Stock

Using the resonance of the parking garage under the Jazz Cat in Monterey Park, California, Japanese-American multi-instrumentalist Patrick Shiroishi recorded nine solo improvisations, interacting with the environmental sound and reverberant ambiance through contemplative, curious and explosive moments, at times augmenting his saxophone with the metallic notes of a glockenspiel.

Phicus (Fages / Reviriego / Trilla): Ni
Phicus (Fages / Reviriego / Trilla):

(Tripticks Tapes -- USA )

Price: $9.95    

Out of Stock

After years of touring and many albums, the free improvising Phicus trio of Ferran Fages on electric guitar, Alex Reviriego on double bass and Vasco Trilla on drums & percussion release their first composition-based work, recording in the natural resonance of the Convent de Sant Agusti in Barcelona following Reviriego's 2-part work leveraging the trio's natural vocabulary.

Angeles, Camilo / Joanna Mattrey: Hailstone Temple [CASSETTE w/ DOWNLOAD]
Angeles, Camilo / Joanna Mattrey:
Hailstone Temple [CASSETTE w/ DOWNLOAD]

(Notice Recordings -- USA )

Price: $9.95    

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Excerpted from their 2022 concert at Museo Ex Teresa Arte Actual in Mexico, flutist Camilo Ángeles (TVL REC label), also performing on bass flute, joins with New York City violist Joanna Mattrey, an active performer and improviser associated with Issue Project Room and Roulette, for six unusual duos of wind, string and voice leveraging the natural resonance of the museum space.

Durrant, Phil / Daniel Thompson: Live / Studio <i>[Used Item]</i>
Durrant, Phil / Daniel Thompson:
Live / Studio [Used Item]

(Bead -- UK )

Price: $10.00    

In Stock

The improvising string duo of stalwart London improvisers, Daniel Thompson on acoustic guitar and Phil Durrant on the octave mandola, are heard in two settings of texturally rich, intricate interactions, first at Cafe OTO in 2022 for an extended improvisation, then at Cable Street Studios two months later for six succint, impressively diverse dialogs.

Guionnet / La Casa / Samartzis / Warburton: Parking (Collection Paris)
Guionnet / La Casa / Samartzis / Warburton:
Parking (Collection Paris)

(Swarming -- Canada )

Price: $13.95    

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Two improvisations by saxophonist Jean-Luc Guionnet & violinist Dan Warburton recorded in Paris & Melbourne parking garages 14 years apart, registering the behavior and characteristics of environmental and instrumental sound within these unique spaces, edited by Eric La Casa and Philip Samartzis as a 4-channel master by synchronizing two sets of independent stereo recordings.

Johansson, Karin / Finn Loxbo : Vent
Johansson, Karin / Finn Loxbo :

(Omlott -- Sweden )

Price: $13.95    

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Performing on prepared piano & accordion (Karin Johansson) and guitar & electronics (Fin Loxbo), this Swedish duo explore unhurried and varied soundscapes, their skill and discerning motion allowing individual sounds space for clear expression in virtual narratives, the album's tracks captured in a variety of locations including the resonance of an old water reservoir.

Johansson, Karin / Finn Loxbo : Vent [VINYL]
Johansson, Karin / Finn Loxbo :
Vent [VINYL]

(Omlott -- Sweden )

Price: $18.95    

In Stock

Performing on prepared piano & accordion (Karin Johansson) and guitar & electronics (Fin Loxbo), this Swedish duo explore unhurried and varied soundscapes, their skill and discerning motion allowing individual sounds space for clear expression in virtual narratives, the album's tracks captured in a variety of locations including the resonance of an old water reservoir.

Walter, Martin / Matthias Boss / Marcello Magliocchi : Leocantor Trio
Walter, Martin / Matthias Boss / Marcello Magliocchi :
Leocantor Trio

(FMR -- UK )

Price: $15.95    

In Stock

Recorded at the neo-gothic Church of St. James of Escholzmatt in Luzern, Switzerland, the Leocantor Trio of Marcello Magliocchi on drums & percussion, Martin Walter on pipe organ and Matthias Boss on violin provide moments of subtle reverence through Walter's resonant environment while providing Magliocchi & Boss space for impressive technique and sometimes tumultuous expression.

Seward, Ryan / Andrew Weathers : Laminar Interiors
Seward, Ryan / Andrew Weathers :
Laminar Interiors

(Editions Glomar -- USA )

Price: $9.95    

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Recording inside of abandoned agricultural silos in the Colorado plains during the summer of 2023, percussionist Ryan Seward and saxophonist Andrew Weathers leverage the resonance of these large metal structures, taking a slow pace employing silence with a pensive attitude as they improvise encased in these "Laminar Interiors: thin layers of interior sound".

Murayama, Seijiro / Jean-Luc Guionnet: Balcony Inside
Murayama, Seijiro / Jean-Luc Guionnet:
Balcony Inside

(Ftarri -- Japan )

Price: $14.95    

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Paris-based musician Seijiro Murayama (percussion, voice) and French alto sax and organ player Jean-Luc Guionnet continue their collaboration with this 2023 recording of a 50-minute performance at the Taborkirche church in Berlin, using the resonance of the space to expand Murayama's snare drum, cymbal and voice in tandem with Guionnet's improvisation on the pipe organ.

Trilla, Vasco: The Bell Slept Long In The Tower
Trilla, Vasco:
The Bell Slept Long In The Tower

(thanatosis produktion -- Sweden )

Price: $15.95    

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The seventh solo percussion album from Barcelona-based Vasco Trilla, here investigating the symbolic and historical use of bells in different regions and cultures around the world through ten unconventional observations of vibration, resonance, and rich tones performed on timpani, flat tuned bells, transducer speakers, snare drum and assorted percussions.

Corcoran, Kevin / Andrew Weathers: Peripheral Residue
Corcoran, Kevin / Andrew Weathers:
Peripheral Residue

(Editions Glomar -- USA )

Price: $9.95    

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Two acoustic improvisations from percussionist Kevin Corcoran and Andrew Weathers on soprano saxophone, recorded in an abandoned garage and using the structure's resonance to shape their playing, with the third and title track being an electroacoustic composition by Corcoran, incorporating field recordings from Mare Island, where they were working.

Kanngiesser / Prevost / Wright: Splendid Nettle (High Laver Levitations Volume 3)
Kanngiesser / Prevost / Wright:
Splendid Nettle (High Laver Levitations Volume 3)

(Matchless -- UK )

Price: $17.95    

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The third volume in the High Laver Levitations series that started with the duo of John Butcher and Eddie Prévost, continued with Silvan Schmid, Tom Wheatley & Prévost, now presents Ute Kanngiesser on cello, Seymour Wright on alto sax, and Eddie Prévost on drum kit, recording two extended improvisations that explore the resonant acoustics of All Saints Church in High Laver, Essex.

Sharp, Elliott: SysOrk: Occam's Machete
Sharp, Elliott:
SysOrk: Occam's Machete

(zOaR Records -- USA )

Price: $13.95    

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Assembling a world-class ensemble of 24 string players drawing from the Quartets JACK, Sirius, Flux, and Bergamot, here performing as SysOrk, Elliott Sharp's large-scale algorithmic composition provides simple instructions to the participants, creating a seething sonic tapestry of shifting, swirling tones and acoustic drones, exceptionally immersive and detailed.

Weirs and Magic Tuber Stringband : The Crozet Tunnel [CASSETTE + DOWNLOAD]
Weirs and Magic Tuber Stringband :
The Crozet Tunnel [CASSETTE + DOWNLOAD]

(Notice Recordings -- USA )

Price: $8.95    

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Recorded live in Virginia's Crozet Tunnel, Magic Tuber Stringband (Evan Morgan and Courtney Werner) and Weirs (Justin Morris and Oliver Child-Lanning) present a captivating collaboration blending Appalachian traditions with contemporary drone and song forms, exploring vocal harmonies, resonant acoustics, and the profound interplay between music and place.

Weathers, Andrew: Two Recordings
Weathers, Andrew:
Two Recordings

(Editions Glomar -- USA )

Price: $9.95    

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Two extended performances from Los Angeles and Colorado Springs by the West Coast ensemble of Andrew Weathers (tenor saxophone, mixer), Angel Lin (percussion), Ethan Marks (trumpet), and Mar Perez (trombone), freely improvising with resonance and experimental techniques to craft immersive soundscapes that blur the line between instrumental performance and environmental noise.

Shiroishi / Tiesenga: Empty Vessels [VINYL]
Shiroishi / Tiesenga:
Empty Vessels [VINYL]

(Full Spectrum -- USA )

Price: $19.95    

In Stock

A powerful duo of resonant harmonic interaction between Patrick Shiroishi & Marta Tiesenga, both on soprano sax, recorded in an underground tunnel below the Jazz Cat in Monterey Park, CA during the pandemic, the tunnel's natural reverb becoming a 'third performer' in shaping an evocative sonic dialogue that contrasts isolation and connection through long tones, fragmented utterances, and immersive resonance.

Lindorff-Ellery, Evan: Church Recordings from Monhegan [CASSETTE]
Lindorff-Ellery, Evan:
Church Recordings from Monhegan [CASSETTE]

(Full Spectrum -- USA )

Price: $7.95    

In Stock

Recorded at Monhegan Community Church on a remote Maine island, this environmental work by Evan Lindorff-Ellery captures the interplay between improvised percussive textures and the resonant acoustics of the space, using frame drum, piano, acoustic guitar, bells, and found objects to leverage the church's natural reverb, while ambient sounds filter through its windows.

Best Sellers in This Category:

Butcher, John: The Very Fabric

Kuchen, Martin / Sophie Agnel: Detour Tunnels of Light

Pettersen, Ed: Vigeland

Kaucic, Zlatko Quintet: Morning Patches

Shiraishi, Tamio: Sora

Ladisa, Stefania Strutture (w/ Adrian Northover / Marcello Magliocchi): Dal'Introspezione All'Intera

Vinkeloe, Biggi / Mark Weaver / Damon Smith: Desert Sweets

Shiraishi, Tamio: Moon

Grimal, Alexandra: Refuge

Amico, Agnese: Alalie

Davies, Rhodri: Trem

Tiner, Kris / Tatsuya Nakatani: The Magic Room

Guionnet / La Casa / Samartzis / Warburton: Parking (Collection Paris)

Spaces Unfolding (Metcalfe / Wachsmann / Karlsen): The Way We Speak

Wong, Theresa / Frantz Loriot: Live at Zoom In

Olsen, Lance Austin / Bruno Duplant: Coincidence

Meehan, Sean: Magazine

Costa, Carlo : Silos

Corcoran, Kevin / Andrew Weathers: Peripheral Residue

Murayama, Seijiro / Jean-Luc Guionnet: Balcony Inside

The Squid's Ear Magazine

The Squid's Ear Magazine

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