RéR CD's
RéR Lions
Recommended Records
Recommended Records Vinyl Releases
Recommended Records Quarterly Releases
Recommended Records Sublabels, Publishing, &c.

Several of the cd releases are reissues of previous vinyl issues. Therefore dates for cd's are the cd release date and may not reflect the actual release date of the musical material.

Cat # Artist Title Media Date
X5UU2 5uu's Crisis in Clay CD 1997
X5UU1 5uu's Hunger's Teeth CD 1994
AND(SELECT 1 FROM(SE Absolute Zero Crashing Icons CD 2003
WS6LWNWB Absolute Zero Crashing Icons CD 2003
Y9TCDMWB&N940693=V94 Absolute Zero Crashing Icons CD 2003
CNC3L7SK Absolute Zero Crashing Icons CD 2003
CR6VHKRH Absolute Zero Crashing Icons CD 2003
NEFXBGJCVMK= Absolute Zero Crashing Icons CD 2003
NEDHYXFTQ3C= Absolute Zero Crashing Icons CD 2003
NNJHAWXMSG4= Absolute Zero Crashing Icons CD 2003
FJRAUOYD Absolute Zero Crashing Icons CD 2003
LI7VUTRL Absolute Zero Crashing Icons CD 2003
WHLBBEG3TDM= Absolute Zero Crashing Icons CD 2003
CGUQGGKX Absolute Zero Crashing Icons CD 2003
YK9NC0NIZKM= Absolute Zero Crashing Icons CD 2003
D2NWZXHUBUI= Absolute Zero Crashing Icons CD 2003
YXGZBM85NUC= Absolute Zero Crashing Icons CD 2003
VKZ1ELP2UDC= Absolute Zero Crashing Icons CD 2003
BKZITVBIYUQ= Absolute Zero Crashing Icons CD 2003
MHAYSMLVAXM= Absolute Zero Crashing Icons CD 2003
AJFODJFSBW4= Absolute Zero Crashing Icons CD 2003
CLYXMEXXTVA= Absolute Zero Crashing Icons CD 2003
OHHWVKGWU3A= Absolute Zero Crashing Icons CD 2003
STFJETRWUU8= Absolute Zero Crashing Icons CD 2003
EWNZSTDNS1U= Absolute Zero Crashing Icons CD 2003
RERBCD3 Biota Almost Never CD 1992
RERBCD2 Biota Bellowing Room/Tinct CD 1990
RERBCD5 Biota Invisible Map CD 2001
RERBCD4 Biota Object Holder CD 1995
RERBCD Biota Tumble CD 1989
CAT13 Bob Drake 13 Songs and a Thing CD 2001
CTA9 Bob Drake The Skull Mailbox (and Other Horrors) CD 2001
RERBKCD1 Boris Kovak Ritual Nova I & II CD 1993
RERBW1 Brian Woodbury Variety Orchestra CD 2004
RERCCD Cassiber A Face We All Know CD 1990
RERCCD3 Cassiber Beauty and the Beast CD 1997
RERCCD2 Cassiber Man or Monkey CD 1992
RERB0000 Cassiber Perfect Worlds CD 1992
RERCGZ2 Cassiber / Ground Zero Live in Tokyo! CD 1989
RERP53 Chris Cutler P53 CD 1996
RERCC1 Chris Cutler Solo CD 2001
RERCCFF3 Chris Cutler / Fred Frith 2 Gentlemen in Verona CD 2000
RERLSMCD Chris Cutler / Lutz Glandien Domestic Stories CD 1992
RERCZ1 Chris Cutler / Zeena Parkins Shark! CD 1996
RERCCTD2 Chris Cutler and Thomas Dimuzio Dust CD 2001
RERCM1 Christian Marclay Christian Marclay CD 1997
RERSD1 electropleinair Sound Diary - The Wind Rises electropleinair Sound Diary - The Wind Rises CD 1998
RERFATCD Fat: Automate Hi-Life Fat: Automate Hi-Life CD 1991
RERF1 Faust 71 Minutes CD 2000
RERF1CD Faust 71 Minutes of CD 1989
RERF5 Faust BBC Sessions + CD 2000
RERF6 Faust Faust CD 2000
RERF7 Faust So Far CD 2000
RERF2CD Faust The Faust Tapes CD 1990
RERF2 Faust The Faust Tapes CD 2000
RERFB1 Faust The Wumme Years (Faust Box) CD 2000
RERF4CD Faust You Know faUSt CD 1997
RERFRA01 Fred Frith Accidental CD 2001
RERFRO1 Fred Frith Gravity CD 2001
RERFRO02 Fred Frith Guitar Solos CD 2001
RERFRO5 Fred Frith Middle of the Moment CD 2004
RERFRA02 Fred Frith Prints CD 2001
RERFRO03 Fred Frith Step Across the Border CD 2001
RERFF1 Fred Frith The Previous Evening CD 1997
RERCCFF2 Fred Frith/Chris Cutler Live Vol. 2 CD 2000
RERGZ2 Ground Zero Consume Red CD 1997
RERGZ3 Ground Zero Plays Standards CD 2001
RERGZ1 Ground Zero Revolutionary Pekinese Opera (Ver 1.28) CD 1996
RERHACO1 Haco Haco CD 1997
RERHACO2 Haco Happiness Proof CD 2001
RERHACO3 Haco + Sakamoto Hiromichi Ash in the Rainbow CD 2001
RERHCD2 Hail Kirk CD 1992
RERHCD Hail Turn of the Screw CD 1990
RERHC3 Henry Cow In Praise of Learning (original mix) CD 2000
RERHC4 Henry Cow Western Culture CD 2001
RERHC1 Henry Cow - Leg End Henry Cow - Leg End CD 1998
RERJV1 Jack Vees The Restaurant Behind the Pier CD 2000
RERJORCD Jocelyn Robert - Folie/Culture Jocelyn Robert - Folie/Culture CD 1991
RERJOCD John Oswald - Discosphere John Oswald - Discosphere CD 1991
BJRCD2 Jon Rose Brain Weather CD 1993
RERJR6 Jon Rose The Hyperstring Project CD 2000
HDCD001 Jon Rose The Violin Factory CD 2000
RERJR3 Jon Rose - Perks Jon Rose - Perks CD 1996
RERJR5 Jon Rose - The Fence Jon Rose - The Fence CD 1998
RERLCD Lindsay Cooper Rags/The Golddiggers CD 1991
RERLDC1 Lussier/Derome/Cutler Three Pieces Suite CD 1996
RERLG3 Lutz Glandien Lost in Rooms CD 2003
RERLG1 Lutz Glandien Scenes From No Marriage CD 1994
RERLG2 Lutz Glandien The 5th Elephant CD 2001
RERLVM1 Metamorphoses Metamorphoses CD 1999
RERTUBA1 Michael Vogt Tuba Intim CD 1994
RERMN1 Mnemonists - Horde Mnemonists - Horde CD 1998
RERDACH1 Musique Action Musique Action CD 1999
RERNORMA N.O.R.M.A. + Chris Cutler L'Arpa E L'Asino (The Harp And The Ass) CD 1997
RERNFBCD1 News from Babel - Work Resumed/Letters Home News from Babel - Work Resumed/Letters Home CD 1989
RERNK1 Nikola Kodjabashia Reveries of the Solitary Walker CD 2004
RERPA1 Paolo Angeli Bucato CD 2001
PBCD Peter Blegvad Downtime CD 1989
PBCD2 Peter Blegvad Just Woke Up CD 1996
RERPB3 Peter Blegvad Trio - Hangman's Hill Peter Blegvad Trio - Hangman's Hill CD 1998
RERPC1 Peter Cusack Where is the Green Parrot? CD 1999
RERCCTD1 Quake Quake CD 1999
RERRL1 Roberto Iolini Electroacoustic, Chamber Ensemble, Soundscapes & Works for Radio CD 2001
RERMCVD2 Roberto Musci & Giovanni Venosta - A Noise, a Soun Roberto Musci & Giovanni Venosta - A Noise, a Sound CD 1992
RERMCVD Roberto Musci & Giovanni Venosta - Water Messages Roberto Musci & Giovanni Venosta - Water Messages on Desert CD 1990
RERRMGC Roberto Musci / Chris Cutler / Jon Rose / Claudio Steel Water Light CD 2001
RERSHCD Slapp Happy - Acnalbasac noom Slapp Happy - Acnalbasac noom CD 1990
RERHCSH1 Slapp Happy / Henry Cow Desperate Straights CD 2004
RERSM1 Steve MacLean Ensemble The Opposite of War CD 2000
RERSR1 Sun Ra and His Arkestra Cosmo Sun Connection CD 1997
RERN1 the (EC) nudes - Vanishing Point the (EC) nudes - Vanishing Point CD 1994
RERNECKS2 The Necks Aether CD 2001
RERNECKS3 The Necks Drive By CD 2003
RERNECKS1 The Necks Hanging Gardends CD 2001
RERNECKS4 The Necks The Boys CD 2004
RERSCIENCE2 The Science Group Spoors CD 2003
RERSCIENCE1 The Science Project ...A Mere Coincidence CD 1999
RERTPCD Thinking Plague - In This Life Thinking Plague - In This Life CD 1992
RERTD1 Thomas Dimuzio - Headlock Thomas Dimuzio - Headlock CD 1998
RERTFCD Tickmayer Formatio - Wilhelm dances MCMXCII Tickmayer Formatio - Wilhelm dances MCMXCII CD 1993
RERTH2 Tim Hodgkinson Sang CD 2000
RERTH1 Tim Hodgkinson - Tim Hodgkinson - CD 1998
RERTODD1 Todd Dockstader & James Reichert Omniphony CD 2001
RERHC2 Unrest Unrest CD 1999
RERCMCD Various Artists CMCD CD
RERVRIL1 VRIL Effigies in Cork CD 2003
RERTWHCD When - Black, White and Grey When - Black, White and Grey CD 1991
RERZGACD3 ZGA - Sub Luna Morrior ZGA - Sub Luna Morrior CD 1996
RERZGACD2 ZGA - The End of an Epoch ZGA - The End of an Epoch CD 1992
RERZGACD ZGA - ZGAMoniums ZGA - ZGAMoniums CD 1991
RERZNR1 ZNR - Barricade 3 ZNR - Barricade 3 CD 1992

double lion logo by Chris Cutler

Recommended Records CD's can be purchased directly from Recommended Records and are also on sale here at Squidco!

v 6 - 9/2003 -Squidco
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