The Squid's Ear Magazine

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Big Bad Brotzmann Trio: Biturbo!, Capt'n [3'' CD]
Big Bad Brotzmann Trio:
Biturbo!, Capt'n [3'' CD]

(Euphorium -- Germany )

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A companion 3" CD to the Karacho! album, with an additional dynamic improvisation from the same concert, the Big Bad Brotzmann Trio bringing together master multi-reedist Peter Brötzmann, here on tenor saxophone & clarinet, with pianist Oliver Schwerdt, also playing percussion & little instruments, and drummer/percussionist Christian Lillinger.

Ember (Leimgruber / Shcubert / Schwerdt / Lillinger): Aurona Arona
Ember (Leimgruber / Shcubert / Schwerdt / Lillinger):
Aurona Arona

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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The Ember quartet's 2nd release recorded during the 2008 Ahornfelder Festival in Leipzig, an amazing live/studio album of distinct and clearly separated structured improvisations.

Ember (Urs Leimgruber / Christian Lillinger / Alexander Schubert / Oliver Schwerdt): Oullh d'baham`
Ember (Urs Leimgruber / Christian Lillinger / Alexander Schubert / Oliver Schwerdt):
Oullh d'baham`

(Euphorium -- Germany )

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The first album from 2006 of the Ember electro-acoustic improvising chamber jazz-oriented quartet of Urs Leimgruber on soprano & tenor saxophones, Alexander Schubert on guitar, electronics & percussion, Oliver Schwerdt on piano, percussion, guitar & electronics, and Christian Lillinger on drums & percussion; an album of insightful and meticulous interaction.

Euphorium_freakestra: Free Electric Supergroup [2 CDs]
Free Electric Supergroup [2 CDs]

(Euphorium -- Germany )

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Since 2002 this large ensemble electric supergroup or "freakestra" has performed uncompromising free improvisation that draws on the best of modern approaches in a staggering display of style and technique.

Euphorium_freakestra: Grande Casino [3 CDS]
Grande Casino [3 CDS]

(Euphorium -- Germany )

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A truly diverse set of improvisations, from solo work to large scale ensemble, as Euphorium_Freakestra are joined by European Free Jazz legends, drummer Baby Sommer and double bassist Barry Guy, in a band with leader & pianist Oliver Schwerdt, plus Bertrand Denzler, Burkard Beins, John Eckhardt, Pierre-Antoine Badaroux, Patrick Schanze, Daniel Beilschmidt & Freidrich Kettlitz.

Schwerdt, Oliver / Baby Sommer / Barry Guy: One For My Baby And One More For The Bass [2 CDs]
Schwerdt, Oliver / Baby Sommer / Barry Guy:
One For My Baby And One More For The Bass [2 CDs]

(Euphorium -- Germany )

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A trio sounding much larger than its three contributors--Oliver Schwerdt on grand piano, percussion & little instruments, Baby Sommer on drums, cymbals & percussion and Barry Guy on double bass--captured in concert at naTo, in Leipzig, Germany in 2019 for a joyful and assertive album of collective free improv that merges contemporary, free and jazz idioms seamlessly.

Schwerdt, Oliver: Storming Bauhaus [2 CDs]
Schwerdt, Oliver:
Storming Bauhaus [2 CDs]

(Euphorium -- Germany )

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Eschewing his many monikers (Birg Borgenthal, Elan Pauer and Ra Ra da Boff) pianist Oliver Schwerdt steps away from EUPHORIUM_freakestra, uses his given name, and takes the stage of the Bauhaus building in Dessau where such legends as Fred van Hove and Alexander von Schlippenbach have played, to record these four exemplary and extended, kinetic & free solo piano improvisations.

The Squid's Ear Magazine

The Squid's Ear Magazine

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