The Squid's Ear Magazine

Foussat, Jean-Marc / Jean-Luc Petit: ...D'Ou Vient La Lumiere ! (Fou Records)

A wonderfully eccentric, complex and surprising set of extended improvisations between French clarinetist & saxophonist Jean-Luc Petit and synth and electronics artist Jean-Marc Foussat, ranging from intensive and detailed interactions to beautiful soundscapes, as the two show great compatibility and intent in their approach to free-form improvisation.

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Jean-Luc Petit-contrabass clarinet, alto saxophone, sopranino saxophone

Jean-Marc Foussat-electronics

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UPC: 3426300098887

Label: Fou Records
Catalog ID: FR-CD 13
Squidco Product Code: 23419

Format: CD
Condition: New
Released: 2016
Country: France
Packaging: Cardboard Gatefold
Recorded at Studio Pyjama, France, on March 22nd and April 10th, 2015, by Jean-Marc Foussat.

Descriptions, Reviews, &c.

"Going mano-a-mano, French clarinetist/saxophonist Jean-Luc Petit and electronics manipulator Jean-Marc Foussat create a self-contained sound world on ...D'ou Vient La Lumiere! (Fou Records FR-CD 13 Oddly enough the program is initially more rustic than urban with buzzing bee oscillations and ring-modulator created aviary chirps heard on the first track, plus rooster-like crowing and cicada-suggesting chirrups which emanate from the electronics on the second and title track. At points, Petit fishes out deeply embedded notes from within his bass clarinet as if they were tadpoles caught in murky algae. A climax is reached on the penultimate Premieres curiosites as Foussat's multi-channel wave forms become louder and more clamorous until they form an impermeable mass. In response, Petit's quick yelps and circular breathing confirm the acoustic qualities of his sopranino saxophone. Although each player's timbres are initially isolated like pinpointed colour on anotherwise all-white painting, the textures eventually blend to such an extent that at points it's impossible to distinguish a specific source. Intensifying his attack to atonal echoes and kazoo-like squeezes as he shifts to alto saxophone on Un animal qui me plait, Petit presages the perfect finale. With reed multiphonics splayed in front of undulating drones, the ending is as spiritually appropriate as if reflecting a soloist testifying in front of a mass choir."-Ken Waxman, Something in the Air

Artist Biographies

"Jean-Luc Petit

Saxophones sopranino, alto and baritone, clarinet double bass

Born on 22 November 1954

Alongside his studies at the School of Art in Angoulême, he began learning saxophones and clarinets in a self-taught way. His decisive encounters with first the composer Etienne Rolin and later Kent Carter reinforces him in the idea of ​​becoming a musician. He collaborated for a long time with Etienne Rolin and founded the Trio EVER with him and participated in his many other projects. He meets composer and improviser François Rossé , plays quartet with Kent Carter and meets Kent Carter , musicians like Olivier Johnson , Jean-Jacques Avenel , Takashi Kako , Carlos Zingaro , Glenn Ferris ...

He composes music for the theater and participates with the actor and poet Daniel Crumb in several shows "The small studies of self" , "Love is a dog of hell" on poems of Charles Bukowski , ...

From the beginning improvisation is at the center of his practice and his preoccupations. He performed solo and formed several duets with Benjamin Duboc , Mathias Pontévia , Didier Lasserre , pianist Didier Fréboeuf , trombonist Christiane Bopp , founded with Fabrice Favriou and Adrien Monteiro "Rossignol Genocide", participated in the Orchestra "Le Lobe" Directed by Claire Bergerault , has multiplied the recontres with musicians such as Eric Brochard , Louis-Michel Marion , Claude Parle , Daunik Lazro , Jean-Marc Foussat , Joel Grip , Makoto Sato , Jean-Luc Cappozzo -Brice Godet , etc ...

"I believe that music is formed in time and finds its fulfillment. Programming, defining, schematizing, improvising are the different and not contradictory ways of accompanying the growth of an organism that, like every living thing, is born, grows , Becomes individualized and extinct.The necessity of the ephemeral is the credibility of the form: I do not know the aesthetics of the piece globally, but only the form of a fragment which reproduces constantly as it transforms itself. "

Franco Donatoni"

-Jean-Luc Petit Website (translated by Google) (

Have a better biography or biography source? Please Contact Us so that we can update this biography.

"Jean-Marc Foussat (born March 19, 1955 in Oran ) is a French composer and improvisational musician ( guitar, piano, live electronics ).

Since the mid-1970s, Foussat had belonged to groups such as Lézard Marçio, in which he contributed the sounds of concrete music with magnetic tapes. In 1981, he finished his first solo album, Abattage, which was released in 1983. In the ensemble Marteau Rouge (with the guitarist Jean-François Pauvros and the drummer Makoto Sato), he also collaborated with Evan Parker. Together with the saxophonist Sylvain Guérineau, he formed the duo Aliquid, which also appeared with Joe McPhee ( Quod, 2014). In addition to soloprograms, he also starred with Noël Akchoté / Roger Turner, Samuel Blaser, Émilie Lesbros, Jean-Luc Cappozzo, Sophie Agnel, Daunik Lazro and numerous other musicians, as well as the Fortuna 21 Octet of Raymond Boni and the department of education psychique on."

-Wikipedia translated by Google (

Have a better biography or biography source? Please Contact Us so that we can update this biography.

Track Listing:

1. Dans Les Proprietes 13:43

2. ... D'Ou Vient La Lumiere ! 16:52

3. Premieres Curiosites 17:49

4. Un Animal Qui Me Plait 7:47

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Improvised Music
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Electro-Acoustic Improv
European Improvisation and Experimental Forms
Duo Recordings

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