The Squid's Ear Magazine

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Shipp, Matthew Trio: Circular Temple
Shipp, Matthew Trio:
Circular Temple

(ESP-Disk -- USA )

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Originally released in 1992 on the US Quinton Records label, this trio album by New York improvisers, pianist Matthew Shipp (this being his first CD under his own name), bassist William Parker and drummer Whit Dickey, presents the four-part "Circular Temple" composed by Shipp, leveraging the language of jazz in remarkable ways, particularly the 2nd movement, "Monk's Nightmare".

Shipp, Matthew Trio: Circular Temple [VINYL]
Shipp, Matthew Trio:
Circular Temple [VINYL]

(ESP-Disk -- USA )

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Originally released in 1992 on the US Quinton Records label, this trio album by New York improvisers, pianist Matthew Shipp (this being his first CD under his own name), bassist William Parker and drummer Whit Dickey, presents the four-part "Circular Temple" composed by Shipp, leveraging the language of jazz in remarkable ways, particularly the 2nd movement, "Monk's Nightmare".

Swell's, Steve Fire Into Music ( w/ Moondoc / Parker / Drake): For Jemeel: Fire From The Road [3 CDs
Swell's, Steve Fire Into Music ( w/ Moondoc / Parker / Drake):
For Jemeel: Fire From The Road [3 CDs]

(RogueArt -- France )

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A triple CD of extended and magnificent performances between 2004 & 2005 from the quartet of Steve Swell on trombone, William Parker on double bass, Hamid Drake on drums and Jemeel Moondoc on alto saxophone, to whom this album is dedicated; two concerts in Texas and one at the Guelph Jazz Festival, with compositions from Swell and Moondoc plus collective improvisations.

Tsahar, Assif / William Parker / Hamid Drake: In Between The Tumbling A Stillness [VINYL]
Tsahar, Assif / William Parker / Hamid Drake:
In Between The Tumbling A Stillness [VINYL]

(Hopscotch Records -- USA )

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A fierce free jazz concert recorded live at Levontin 7, in Tel Aviv by three players with a long history of collaboration and dynamic trio settings, from Israeli saxophonist formerly based in NYC Assif Tsahar, bassist William Parker and Chicago drummer Hamid Drake, in two extended, energetic and inventive improvisations and a concise closing "Stillness".

William Parker: Universal Tonality [2 CDs]
William Parker:
Universal Tonality [2 CDs]

(Centering Records -- USA )

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An incredible performance recorded at Roulette in NYC by a large ensemble of 16 jazz luminaries of various ages, cultures and musical backgrounds, led by composer and bassist William Parker, who explains that Universal Tonality is another name for love, the profusion of which is interpreted by vocalist Leena Conquest in a profoundly inspired concert of magnificent artistry.

Yamamoto, Eri / Chad Fowler / William Parker / Steve Hirsh: Sparks [2 CDs]
Yamamoto, Eri / Chad Fowler / William Parker / Steve Hirsh:
Sparks [2 CDs]

(Mahakala Music -- USA )

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Four of New York's most versed free jazz players--Eri Yamamoto on piano, Chad Fowler on stritch & Saxello, William Parker on bass and Steve Hirsh on drums--aim for a form of Spontaneous Folk Music through post-bop/free jazz idioms, recording in the studio for naturally lyrical music that builds from a beautiful glimmer to a passionate fire of masterful interaction.

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