The Squid's Ear Magazine

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Derome, Jean: 3 musiques pour UBU [2 CDs]
Derome, Jean:
3 musiques pour UBU [2 CDs]

(Ambiances Magnetiques -- Canada )

In Stock

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A fascinating mix of concepts and sophisticated compositions, as interesting sonically as the visual aspects of the show, as evidenced in the well presented booklet.

Derome, Jean: Strand, Under the Dark Cloth
Derome, Jean:
Strand, Under the Dark Cloth

(Ambiances Magnetiques -- Canada )

In Stock

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A 1998 soundtrack by composer Jean Derome that was created for a film by John Walker that was conceived as a "suite in black and white" that gradually builds as it progresses.

The Squid's Ear Magazine

The Squid's Ear Magazine

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