The Squid's Ear Magazine

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Borbetomagus / Hijokaidan: Both Noises End Burning
Borbetomagus / Hijokaidan:
Both Noises End Burning

(Les Disques Victo -- Canada )

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Two monster proponents of noise esthetics, representing two continents whose cultures have often been described as incompatible, meet in the celebration of noise.

Borbetomagus / Shaking Ray Levis: Coelacanth [10" VINYL]
Borbetomagus / Shaking Ray Levis:
Coelacanth [10" VINYL]

(Agaric -- USA )

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1991 collaboration between Shaking Ray Levis and Borbetomagus in an exquisite mix of over-amplified and otherwise bewilderingly fierce free improv.

Borbetomagus / Voice Crack: Fish That Sparkling Bubble
Borbetomagus / Voice Crack:
Fish That Sparkling Bubble

(Agaric -- USA )

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The meeting of the extreme jazz trio Borbetomagus and the electroacoustic trio Voicetrack for an album of radical textures, timbres, colors, and tone fields.

Borbetomagus: A Go Go
A Go Go

(Agaric -- USA )

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Extreme blasts of improvisation from the dual saxophones of Jim Sauter & Don Dietrich, and guitarist Donald Miller, performing live at Pezner in France, 1998.

Borbetomagus: Black Album
Black Album

(Agaric -- USA )

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The Borbetomagus trio of Jim Sauter (sax), Don Dietrich (reeds) and Donald Miller (guitar) in a 1982 release on their own Agaric label, high volume jazz compiled from concerts in 1979 and 1981.

Borbetomagus: Snuff Jazz
Snuff Jazz

(Agaric -- USA )

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Long awaited reissue of this 1998 LP, originally of live performances at ABC No Rio in NYC and now expanded to include live performances at DC Space in Washington, DC.

Borbetomagus: Songs Our Mother Taught Us
Songs Our Mother Taught Us

(Agaric -- USA )

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Three performances from London and Glasgow from New York saxophonists Jim Sauter and Don Dietrich, and guitarist Donald Miller, playing through pedals and distortion devices in unique and irascible free improvisations.

Borbetomagus: White Album
White Album

(Agaric -- USA )

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The first Borbetomagus, an unprecedented release of extreme free/punk improvisation and sound from the trio of Jim Sauter (reeds), Don Dietrich (reeds) and Donald Miller (guitar).

The Squid's Ear Magazine

The Squid's Ear Magazine

© 2002-, Squidco LLC