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Area, David / Tomas Gris / Ernesto Rodrigues : Chorismos
Area, David / Tomas Gris / Ernesto Rodrigues :

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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An album of patience and concentrated listening from the lowercase trio of David Area on electronics, Tomas Gris on guitar and objects, and Ernesto Rodrigues on harp and objects, each player subtly coaxing sounds out of their instruments while the electronics act as environmental ambience over which tones slowly voice, recede and occasionally punctuate.

Barriere, Lali / Ferran Fages / Guilherme Rodrigues / Ernesto Rodrigues : Llop
Barriere, Lali / Ferran Fages / Guilherme Rodrigues / Ernesto Rodrigues :

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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A large work for cello, viola, sinewaves and electronics from the quartet of Guilherme Rodrigues, Ernesto Rodrigues, Ferran Fages, and Barriere, the first two foundation members for Creative Sources, the latter two frequent collaborators, Barriere bringing a mathematical background to the improvisation that blends acoustic and electronic sources in compatibly sinister ways.

Belorukov, Ilia / Kurt Liedwart / Abdul Moimeme / Ernesto Rodrigues: Kletka
Belorukov, Ilia / Kurt Liedwart / Abdul Moimeme / Ernesto Rodrigues:

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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Creative Sources regulars Ernesto Rodrigues on viola and Abdul Moimeme on electric guitar join the long-running duo of alto saxophonist Ilia Belorukov and electronics artist and Mikroton label-leader Kurt Liedwart to record these two lowercase electroacoustic improvisations, transmuting acoustic and electronic sound in both stark and subdued ways.

Bondi / d'incise / Rodrigues / Chagas / Torres / Moimeme: Brume
Bondi / d'incise / Rodrigues / Chagas / Torres / Moimeme:

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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Extended improvisations using a mix of acoustic and electric instruments from the sextet of Ernesto Rodrigues, d'incise, Cyril Bondi, Abdul Moiemem, Eduardo Chagas, and Nuno Torres.

Boubaker / Rodrigues / Moimem: Le Beau Deviant
Boubaker / Rodrigues / Moimem:
Le Beau Deviant

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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Deviant beauty from the trio of Heddy Boubaker (sax), Ernesto Rodrigues (viola) and Abdul Moimeme (prepared electric guitar), dark and sinister improv using extended techniques and a quietly turbulent approach.

Calvi, Juan / Maria do Mar / Ernesto Rodrigues / Guilherme Rodrigues: Los Ejes De Mi Carreta
Calvi, Juan / Maria do Mar / Ernesto Rodrigues / Guilherme Rodrigues:
Los Ejes De Mi Carreta

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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A studio recording bring three Portuguese string players--Maria do Mar on violin, Ernesto Rodrigues on viola, and Guilherme Rodrigues on cello--together with bass & soprano clarinetist Juan Calvi, for 9 succinct intertwining of energetic interplay, often chamber-oriented but all examples of masterful free improvisation exploring a diverse set of creative approaches.

Chrysakis / Rodrigues / Rodrigues / Mira / Moimeme : Exaiphnes
Chrysakis / Rodrigues / Rodrigues / Mira / Moimeme :

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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A quintet of string improvisers in discerning dialog using viola, cello, double bass, electric guitar, piano & harp, from regular collaborators Ernesto & Guilherme Rodrigues, Miguel Mira, and Abdul Moimeme, plus Aural Terrains label leader Thanos Chrysakis.

Chrysakis, Thanos / Ernesto Rodrigues / Guilherme Rodrigues / Miguel Mira / Abdul Moimeme: Micrograp
Chrysakis, Thanos / Ernesto Rodrigues / Guilherme Rodrigues / Miguel Mira / Abdul Moimeme:

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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Recording in Portugal, the quintet of Aural Terrains label leader Thanos Chrysakis on piano, Creative Sources label leader Ernesto Rodrigue on viola, son Guilherme Rodrigues on cello, Miguel Mira on double bass and Abdul Moimeme on electric guitar, three parts of microscopic collective electroacoustic improvisation of highly focused, detailed interplay.

den Boer Salmom, Miriam / Ernesto Rodrigues / Fredrik Rasten / Guilherme Rodrigues: A Late Evening I
den Boer Salmom, Miriam / Ernesto Rodrigues / Fredrik Rasten / Guilherme Rodrigues:
A Late Evening In The Future

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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A subtle album of acoustic interaction recorded at Berlin's Noiseberg from the quartet of Miriam den Boer Salmon on violin, Ernesto Rodrigues on viola & zither, Fredrik Rasten on acoustic guitar, and Guilherme Rodrigues on cello & percussion, sounding almost electronic in their frictional technique and harmonic overtones, ebbing and flowing from active interaction to tranquil discourse.

Diceros (Rodrigues / Hencleday / Rodrigues / Flak / Curado / Parrinha / Guerreiro / Godinho): Urze
Diceros (Rodrigues / Hencleday / Rodrigues / Flak / Curado / Parrinha / Guerreiro / Godinho):

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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An extended improvisation of mostly quiet, occasionally cantankerous, but always intriguing free music, primarily acoustic playing with a strong cast of string players, plus reeds, keys, and computer, creating suspenseful music of great tension and impressive restraint as the sound evolves in gradations and facets of sound.

Diceros (Rodrigues / Mira / Silva / Curado / Almeida / Chagas /...): 3 Phases (III) Black
Diceros (Rodrigues / Mira / Silva / Curado / Almeida / Chagas /...):
3 Phases (III) Black

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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"3 Phases", or 3 aspects of the approach that violist Ernesto Rodrigues applies to improvisation, in 3 different groupings over 3 different concerts at O'Culto da Ajuda, in Lisbon, here in an electroacoustic ensemble with Miguel Mira, Guilherme Rodrigues, Joao Silva, Eduardo Chagas, Paulo Curado, Noel Taylor, Miguel Almeida, Andre Holzer, Andre Hencleeday, Carlos Santos, and Joao Valinho.

Diceros: Symbolic Boundary
Symbolic Boundary

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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An electroacoustic octet drawn from the collaborative community surrounding Creative Sources, captured live during the Small Format Materials Festival at Galeria Monumental, in Lisbon in 2019, a subtle and substantial work of intimate tension and quietly detailed interaction, seemingly minimalistic yet dynamically a narrative evolution of sublime patience.

Dorner / Rodrigues / Guerreiro / Momeme: Fabula
Dorner / Rodrigues / Guerreiro / Momeme:

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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A live recording from Portugal's Cine-Theatre Curvo-Semedo of the minimal ea-improv quartet of trumpeter Axel Dorner, violist Ernesto Rodrigues, prepared electric guitarist Abdul Moimeme, and Ricardo Guerreiro on computer.

Dorner, Axel / Mia Dyberg / Pierre Borel / Ernesto Rodrigues / Tristan Honsinger / Guilherme Rodrigu
Dorner, Axel / Mia Dyberg / Pierre Borel / Ernesto Rodrigues / Tristan Honsinger / Guilherme Rodrigues:

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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An exciting meeting of multi-generational and multi-national, forward-thinking free improvisers performing live at Klub Demboh in Berlin in 2017, from the sextet of Axel Dorner (trumpet), Mia Dyberg (alto saxophone), Pierre Borel (alto saxophone), Ernesto Rodrigues (viola), Tristan Honsinger (cello) and Guilherme Rodrigues (cello).

Dyberg / Masing / Rodrigues / Rodrigues / Jacobson: Egin
Dyberg / Masing / Rodrigues / Rodrigues / Jacobson:

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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Recording live in Berlin at Werkhalle Wiesenburg, the quartet of Portuguese father/son string players Ernesto Rodrigues on viola, Guilherme Rodrigues on cello, Danish saxophonist Mia Dyberg on alto sax, and Polish double bassist Tomo Jacobson present a precisely controlled concert of subtly detailed free improvisation using impressive technique and momentum.

Fages, Ferran / Ernesto Rodrigues: Cru
Fages, Ferran / Ernesto Rodrigues:

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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A composite of environmental sounds, electronics, and viola, recorded in Barcelona, Spain and Lisbon, Portugal from intrepid audio explorers Ferran Fages and Ernesto Rodrigues, the single long work taking the listener on a theoretical journey of transparent traffic, squealing wheels and indeterminate location, engrossing in its detail and the mystery it presents.

Farhadian / Rodrigues / Rodrigues / Kurvers / Torres: De-Col//age_
Farhadian / Rodrigues / Rodrigues / Kurvers / Torres:

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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An unusual improvising string quartet plus alto saxophone, Thea Farhadian (violin), Ernesto Rodrigues (viola), Guilherme Rodrigues (cello), Klaus Kurvers (double bass) and Nuno Torres (alto saxophone) present the 11-part "De-col//age_", a slowly-developing work balancing unconventional approaches to their instruments with more conventional strategies.

Free Music Septet: Meandros e Vertentes
Free Music Septet:
Meandros e Vertentes

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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A live recording from the acoustic septet Free Music 7tet of Ernesto Rodrigues (viola), Luiz Rocha (clarinets), Guilherme Rodrigues (cello), Eduardo Chagas (trombone), and (piano), Hernani Faustino (double bass) and Paulo Ferreira Lopes (drums), performing at O'Culto da Ajuda, for five improvisations from active free improv to lowercase exploration.

Garcia, Miguel A. / Oier Iruretagoiena / Abdul Moimeme / Lorea Oar-Arteta / Ernesto Rodrigues / Carl
Garcia, Miguel A. / Oier Iruretagoiena / Abdul Moimeme / Lorea Oar-Arteta / Ernesto Rodrigues / Carlos Santos:

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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Joing Portuguese and Spanish improvisers for four recordings in Bilbao, Spain, this sextet presents sound works using unusual orchestration--piano harp, viola, guitar, metals, electric organ, paper, contact mics, and electronics--balancing spacious exploration with assertive moments of percussive and caustic sound, evolving bold sonic and timbral combinations.

Garcia, Miguel A. / Sebastien Branche / Abdul Moimeme / Ernesto Rodrigues / Guilherme Rodrigues: Gol
Garcia, Miguel A. / Sebastien Branche / Abdul Moimeme / Ernesto Rodrigues / Guilherme Rodrigues:
Golden Towers And Electric Frictions

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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"While the previous Garcia/Branche CD seemed also improvised to me, this five-person work is of the two the more improvised one. The quintet of players also like their sounds to be sustaining, placing bows on strings, but also motorized...

Gerszewski, Nikolaus: Ordinary Music Vol. 35: Textures
Gerszewski, Nikolaus:
Ordinary Music Vol. 35: Textures

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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German composer working in Budapest Nikolaus Gerszewski does not consider the score for this piece a composition, but rather a basis for a process, which is executed live at Fabrica Braco de Prata with Gerszewski himself plus improvisers Ernesto & Guilherme Rodrigues, Pedro Roxo, Nuno Torres, Armando Pereira, Carlos Santos, Pedro Castello Lopes & Andre Mota.

Glasgow Improvisers Orchestra: GIO poetics
Glasgow Improvisers Orchestra:
GIO poetics

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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Glasgow's Improvisers Orchestra from the CCA Glasgow performing three free improvisations and a discretely structured piece by Raymond MacDonald.

Guionnet / Rodrigues / Rodrigues / Murayama: Noite
Guionnet / Rodrigues / Rodrigues / Murayama:

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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Saxophonist Guionnet guides this quartet of sax, viola, cello, & percussion, including label leader Ernesto Rodrigues, delicate yet detailed improv of a high order.

Houben / Rodrigues / Rodrigues: The Haecceity Of Things
Houben / Rodrigues / Rodrigues:
The Haecceity Of Things

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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A mysterious album of viola, viola d'amore, organ, and field recordings, merging the compositional minimal approach of Wandelweiser artist Eva-Maria Houben with Creative Sources performers Ernesto & Guilherme Rodrigues, the field recordings creating a virtual setting of environmental stillness, evoking slow motion in the unique "thisness" of haecceity.

IKB : Dracaena Draco [2 CDs]
Dracaena Draco [2 CDs]

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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Two CDs representing two extended improvisations of the IKB Ensemble with slightly different personnel, with each ensemble slowly unfolding an amazingly textured work of acoustics and electronics with strong intent and incredible technique, balanced by close listening and attention to detail; an excellent 21st century improvisation orchestra captured live.

IKB Ensemble: Anthropometrie Sans Titre <i>[Used Item]</i>
IKB Ensemble:
Anthropometrie Sans Titre [Used Item]

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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Sealed copy. A large Lisboa ensemble presenting a collective improvisation titled after a painting by Yves Klein, with performers including Ernesto Rodrigues (baritone violin), Miguel Mira (bass), Nuno Torres (sax), Carlos Santos (electronics), Rodrigo Pinheiro (piano), &c. &c.

IKB Ensemble: Ornithorhynchus Anatinus
IKB Ensemble:
Ornithorhynchus Anatinus

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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Portugal's IKB Ensemble is an electracoustic improvising ensemble with a strong string and wind section, balanced with electric guitar, electronics, and percussion, each album focusing on an object--an art work, Dracaena Draco (Dragon Tree), Chelonoidis Nigra (Giant Tortoise)--and here taking on the Ornithorhynchus Anatinus, or platypus, in 3 fascinating movements.

IKB: Apteryx Mantelli
Apteryx Mantelli

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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IKB continue their series of albums graced with taxonomic latin names for animals, here with the North Island brown kiwi bird, as the string- and wind-heavy electroacoustic ensemble led by violist Ernesto Rodrigues present this extended improvisation of subtle motion and understated complexity live at O'Culto da Ajuda, in Lisbon, Portugal in 2017.

IKB: Chelonoidis Nigra
Chelonoidis Nigra

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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Ernesto Rodrigues leads a 16 piece orchestra of strings, reeds, winds, voice, brass, accordion, electric guitar, electronics and percussion through the elaborately restrained work "Chelodnis Nigra", rewarding the careful listener with fascinating layers of sound.

IKB: Hippocampus Guttulatus
Hippocampus Guttulatus

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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The large IKB electroacoustic ensemble of diverse orchestration led by violist Ernesto Rodrigues, where each release is characterized by an animal, here with the long-snouted seahorse in an extended improvisation recorded at CreativeFest XIII at O'Culto da Ajuda, Lisbon, 2019, building to undulating cycles of intense interaction of absolutely precise control.

IKB: Monochrome Bleu Sans Titre
Monochrome Bleu Sans Titre

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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Referencing the work of French artist and composer Yves Klein, this large group of Creative Sources regulars perform the 4 part Monochrome Bleu Sans Titre, a subtle and rich work of acoustic and electronic improvisation.

IKB: Paradoxurus hermaphroditus
Paradoxurus hermaphroditus

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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Recording at the 12th CreativeFest at O'Culto da Ajuda, in Lisbon, Portugal, the IKB ensemble is represented by 20 musicians for this performance, merging acoustic and electronic instruments including strings, brass, winds, self-made instruments, and percussion in a concert of intense constraint & patience, seething with detail and replete with consummate skill.

IKB: Rhinocerus

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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One of Portugal's most interesting large scale lowercase ensembles led by violist Ernesto Rodrigues, with frequent Creative Sources collaborators including Nuno Torres on alto sax, Carlos Santos on electronics, Guilherme Rodrigues on cello, Miguel Mira on bass, 14 musicians move with subtlety in a tapestry of electroacoustic resonance and mystique.

Iridium String Quartet (Rocha / Rodrigues / Rodrigues / Mira): Iridium String Quartet
Iridium String Quartet (Rocha / Rodrigues / Rodrigues / Mira):
Iridium String Quartet

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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Unusual approaches to string improvisation from the quartet of Ernesto Rodrigues (viola), Guilherme Rodrigues (cello), Maria da Rocha (violin), and Miguel Mira (double bass), using extended techniques in subtle yet detailed discourse yielding unexpected qualities to their instruments.

Isotope Ensemble: Lanthanum
Isotope Ensemble:

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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Creative Sources collective Isotope Ensemble led by Ernesto Rodrigues performed with a large electroacoustic group continues their investigation of isotopes, focusing on Lanthanum, a soft metal used in flints, through subtly-developing interplay the band, moving as one body, reaching several highly controlled periods of passionate improvisation, contrasting with beautifully serene sections; impressive.

Isotope Ensemble: Radium
Isotope Ensemble:

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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Recorded at CreativeFest#12 in Lisbon at O'Culto de Ajuda, the 21-piece electroacoustic ensemble Isotope takes on the chemical element Radium in a gripping piece of evolving improvisation, intensely restrained and extremely detailed, orchestrated with cello, baroque violin, double bass, acoustic & electric guitars, zither, psaltery, winds, brass, keys, electronics and percussion.

Isotope Ensemble: Yttrium
Isotope Ensemble:

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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An incredible example of Creative Sources/Ernesto Rodrigues' large electroacoustic ensembles, blending acoustic and electronic sources in slow moving and subtle improvised works of a large scale, here with 12 musicians layering string, brass, keys, percussion, synth and computer into a mysterious harmonic and hallucinatory convergence of powerful intention.

Kimmig, Harald / Ernesto Rodrigues / Miguel Mira / Guilherme Rodrigues / Alvaro Rosso / Vasco Trilla
Kimmig, Harald / Ernesto Rodrigues / Miguel Mira / Guilherme Rodrigues / Alvaro Rosso / Vasco Trilla:

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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The Creative Sources core string improvisers of violist Ernesto Rodrigues, cellist Guilherme Rodrigues, cellist Miguel Mira, and double bassist Alvaro Rosso, with frequent collaborator percussionist Vasco Trilla, are joined by German violinist Harald Kimmig (Trio Kimmig) for a dynamic album that fluctuates from acoustic lowercase to rapid pointillistic improv.

Kita / Uebele / Rodrigues: ArZt
Kita / Uebele / Rodrigues:

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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Kuchen / Rodrigues / Rodrigues / Santos: Vinter
Kuchen / Rodrigues / Rodrigues / Santos:

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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Incredible and telepathic ea-oriented improv from violist Ernesto Rodrigues, saxophonist Martin Kuchen, cellist Guilherme Rodrigues, and electronicist Carlos Santos.

Lebegue, Francois / Guillaume Gargaud / Ernesto Rodrigues / Eduardo Chagas : Sound Bridge
Lebegue, Francois / Guillaume Gargaud / Ernesto Rodrigues / Eduardo Chagas :
Sound Bridge

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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Lisbon String Trio & Carlos Zingaro: Theia
Lisbon String Trio & Carlos Zingaro:

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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Adding a fourth string to the collaborations of Portugal's Lisbon String Trio of Ernesto Rodrigues on viola, Miguel Mira on cello, and Alvaro Rosso on contrabass, Portuguese violinist Carlos Zingaro adds an additional level of delicately complex interplay to the trio's exceptional free improvisation, as they pay tribute to the Greek goddess of light and extent.

Lisbon String Trio & Eduardo Chagas: Tactile
Lisbon String Trio & Eduardo Chagas:

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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A live performance at O'Culto da Ajuda in Lisbon from the Lisbon String Trio of Ernesto Rodrigues on viola, Miguel Mira on cello, and Alvaro Rosso on contrabass, joined in this concert by Creative Sources frequenct collaborator Eduardo Chagas (Variable Geometry Orchestra, IKB, Suspensao, &c), a large work of microscopically detailed and concentrative acoustic improv.

Lisbon String Trio & Gabriel Ferrandini: Sediments
Lisbon String Trio & Gabriel Ferrandini:

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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Portugal's Lisbon String Trio of saxophonist Nuno Torres, electric guitarist Abdul Moimeme and violist Ernesto Rodrigues, are joined by Red Trio/ Rodrigo Amado Motion Trio drummer Gabriel Ferrandini for this concert performance at O'Culto da Ajuda, in Lisbon, Portugal as part of the CreativeFest XIII, finding inspired balance in introspective sections and periods of exciting activity.

Lisbon String Trio / Gil Goncalves: Merz
Lisbon String Trio / Gil Goncalves:

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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The Lisbon String Trio of Ernesto Rodrigues on viola, Miguel Mira on cello, and Alvaro Rosso on contrabass continue their recent string of collaborations with a fourth player, Portuguese tuba player Gil Goncalves joining to addd a unique complement to their strings, as Goncalves adds bass, blats, growls and unique timbres of upper register low brass.

Lisbon String Trio / Luis Lopes: Isotropy
Lisbon String Trio / Luis Lopes:

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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Isotropy - having a physical property which has the same value when measured in different directions - is the collaboration between the Lisbon String Trio of Ernesto Rodrigues (viola), Miguel Mira (cello) and Alvaro Rosso (double bass) with Luis Lopes, here on acoustic guitar, in a 2 part extended improvisation recorded live at the 2020 Small Format Materials Festiva.

Lisbon String Trio / Sei Miguel: From Faust
Lisbon String Trio / Sei Miguel:
From Faust

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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Trumpeter Sei Miguel joins the Portuguese Lisbon String Trio, his second collaboration with the free improvising core group of Miguel Mira on cello, Ernesto Rodrigues on viola, and Alvaro Rosso on double bass, adding a distinctive voice to their subtle interplay as they present this three part work based on the legendary German character who traded his soul to the devil.

Lisbon String Trio with Blaise Siwula : K'ampokol Che K'aay
Lisbon String Trio with Blaise Siwula :
K'ampokol Che K'aay

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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One of the most active albums from the set of Lisbon String Trio (plus one) albums released in 2017, saxophonist Blaise Siwula brings a unique virtuosity to this live album from Galeria Monumental in Lisbon, prompting at times a chamber jazz feeling, alongside very free improvisation with impressive transitions from spacious to highly detailed playing.

Lisbon String Trio with Karoline Leblanc: Liames
Lisbon String Trio with Karoline Leblanc:

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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One of five live collaborations with The Lisbon String Trio of violist Ernesto Rodrigues, cellist Miguel Mira, and bassist Alvaro Rosso, Quebec pianist Karoline Leblanc accompanying on the piano as the 4th string in this open-minded equation of slowly intersecting improvisation creating an unusual tapestry of sound that ebbs and flows in exceptional ways.

Lisbon String Trio with Luiz Rocha: Akuanduba
Lisbon String Trio with Luiz Rocha:

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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The 4th collaboration for Portugal's Lisbon String Trio of Ernesto Rodrigues on viola, Miguel Mira on cello, and Alvaro Rosso on double bass, with Brazilian clarinetist based in Barcelona Luiz Rocha, all captured live at Casa dos Bicos, Fundacao Jose Saramago, in Lisbon in 2017 for free improvisation that maintains a calm center amidst seething and commanding playing.


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