The Squid's Ear Magazine

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Fields, Scott Ensemble: Sand
Fields, Scott Ensemble:

(Relative Pitch -- USA )

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Scott Field's 9-part Sands for 20 instrumentalists, three singers, and a conductor, in this case Fields himself, employs a modular performance system that integrates composition and improvisation, the conductor selecting modules from melodies, phasing patterns, long tones, improv elements, fragmented short stories, &c., spontaneously assigned live; a fascinating accomplishment.

Fields, Scott Multiple Joyce Orchestra: Moersbow Ozzo
Fields, Scott Multiple Joyce Orchestra:
Moersbow Ozzo

(Clean Feed -- Portugal )

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A live concert of Fields' Quite Large Orchestra (aka Multiple Joyce Orchestra) with Frank Gratkowski, Christina Fuchs, Thomas Lehn, Carl Hubsch, &c. &c. performing modular compositions for improvising chamber group, plus an homage to Merzbow.

Niblock, Phill: Working Touch [USB CARD]
Niblock, Phill:
Working Touch [USB CARD]

(Touch -- UK )

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A massive archive of drone & ambient composer Phill Niblock's films and music, from recordings made between 2013 and 2016 in festivals and studios around the world, orchestrated with primarily acoustic instruments using rich and closely related harmonics, paired with moving images of people from around the world engaged in work; hypnotic and engrossing.

Sharp, Elliott: Filiseti Mekidesi [2 CDs]
Sharp, Elliott:
Filiseti Mekidesi [2 CDs]

(Infrequent Seams Records -- USA )

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Elliott Sharp's opera is a visceral meditation about the universal search for a safe neutral place, told through text reflecting moments and situations in cosmic and human history that resonate with current events of great urgency, and through creative sound performed by the vocal group Voxnova Italia, and the instrumental ensemble Musikfabrik.

Tenney, James: Forms 1-4 - In Memoriam Edgar Varese, John Cage, Stefan Wolpe, Morton Feldman [2 CDs]
Tenney, James:
Forms 1-4 - In Memoriam Edgar Varese, John Cage, Stefan Wolpe, Morton Feldman [2 CDs]

(Hat [now] ART -- Switzerland )

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The Squid's Ear Magazine

The Squid's Ear Magazine

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