The Squid's Ear Magazine

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MusicWorks: #115 Spring 2013 [MAGAZINE + CD]
#115 Spring 2013 [MAGAZINE + CD]

(Musicworks -- Canada )

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Spring 2013 issue with 9 track CD. On the cover and featured: Akio Suzuki; Featured: Nicolas Bernier and Martin Messier; Featured: Edrem Helvacioglu; Profile on The Ratchet Orchestra. Plus reviews, events, words, &c.

Suzuki, Akio / David Toop: Breath - Taking
Suzuki, Akio / David Toop:
Breath - Taking

(Confront -- Great Britain )

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Minimal improvisation using a meditative set of instruments including stone flute, small stones, and a "silent toy", from David Toop recording with Akio Suzuki on a rare trip to the UK.

Suzuki, Akio: NA-GI 1997
Suzuki, Akio:
NA-GI 1997

(Edition Rz -- Germany )

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Sound and installation pioneer Akio Suzuki in a work based on field recordings from the bay and caves of Takano, Tango-cho in the northern-most coast of Kyoto, Japan.

The Squid's Ear Magazine

The Squid's Ear Magazine

© 2002-, Squidco LLC