The Squid's Ear Magazine

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Fujii, Satoko Orchestra Tokyo + KAZE: Peace (Tribute To Kelly Churko)
Fujii, Satoko Orchestra Tokyo + KAZE:
Peace (Tribute To Kelly Churko)

(Libra -- Japan )

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Pianist Satoko Fujii's Orchestra Tokyo + the band Kaze, bringing guests trumpeter Cristian Pruvost and drummer Peter Orins alongside trumpeter Natsuki Tamura into a spectacular big band of great power but also subtle meditation, in four works that include a tribute to the late guitarist and Fujii collaborator Kelly Churko.

Fujii, Satoko Orchestra Tokyo: Zakopane
Fujii, Satoko Orchestra Tokyo:

(Libra -- Japan )

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Pianist-composer Satoko Fujii's Orchestra Tokyo formed in 1999 to perform her compositions, music that spans a wide range of styles and moods, complemented by a great set of soloists.

Yoshida, Ryuichi: Sakai
Yoshida, Ryuichi:

(Doubtmusic -- Japan )

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Known for his band Blacksheep, along with Gatos Meeting, OKHP, Satoko Fujii Orchestra Tokyo, The Silence, and Missing Link, &c., Japanese baritone saxophonist steps out solo for twelve works — eight improvisations and four compositions — blurring the line between approaches, executed with Yoshida's rich tone, multiphonic accents, and powerful sonic pressure on the big reed.

The Squid's Ear Magazine

The Squid's Ear Magazine

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