The Squid's Ear Magazine

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Duthoit, Isabelle / Franz Hautzinger: Lily
Duthoit, Isabelle / Franz Hautzinger:

(Relative Pitch -- USA )

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French free vocalist Isabelle Duthoit met world traveling improviser and Zeitkratzer trumpeter Franz Hautzinger in New York City to record these highly unusual duos, using extreme techniques and inexplicable intent to create 9 uniquely aberrant accompaniments to your most subtle and strange dreams; reference Phil Minton, Axel Dorner, Freddie Kruger.

Uruk (Duthoit / Hautzinger / Drake / Zerang): Ame: Live at Artacts
Uruk (Duthoit / Hautzinger / Drake / Zerang):
Ame: Live at Artacts

(Trost Records -- Austria )

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Two long-standing duos--Isabelle Duthoit on clarinet & voice and Franz Hautzinger on quarter tone trumpet plus Chicago percussionists Hamid Drake and Michael Zerang, both on percussion and frame drum--joined together in 2020 for a European tour, recording this wildly informed homage to the Mesopotamia city Uruk live at Artacts in Alte Gerberei, St. Johann, Austria.

The Squid's Ear Magazine

The Squid's Ear Magazine

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