The Squid's Ear Magazine

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Fields, Scott Ensemble: Sand
Fields, Scott Ensemble:

(Relative Pitch -- USA )

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Scott Field's 9-part Sands for 20 instrumentalists, three singers, and a conductor, in this case Fields himself, employs a modular performance system that integrates composition and improvisation, the conductor selecting modules from melodies, phasing patterns, long tones, improv elements, fragmented short stories, &c., spontaneously assigned live; a fascinating accomplishment.

Schorken, Hanna: You Told Me How To Dance
Schorken, Hanna:
You Told Me How To Dance

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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Hanna Schorken is a published German writer & poet, jazz vocalist and free improviser, since 2005 living in Koln and developing a personal and idiosyncratic approach to sound poetry and experimental voice recordings, heard here in a 7 part work where each movement completes the titles of the poem "I So Liked Spring"; "You"; "Told"; "Me"; "How"; "To"; "Dance".

The Squid's Ear Magazine

The Squid's Ear Magazine

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