The Squid's Ear Magazine
July 2-10: Summer Hat Sale!—71 albums on sale @ $7.95 or $8.95!

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Polyorchard (Menestres / Bishop / Brice / Clancy / Grubbs / Eubank / &c): scree/n
Polyorchard (Menestres / Bishop / Brice / Clancy / Grubbs / Eubank / &c):

(Tripticks Tapes -- USA )

Price: $9.95    

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Composed, constructed and mixed by bassist, improviser and composer David Menestres, this extended electroacoustic work features work from a tremendous set of performers: Jeb Bishop, Olie Brice, Sean Clancy, D. Edward Davis, Laurent Estoppey, Chris Eubank, David Grubbs, Michael Thomas Jackson, David Jordan, David Menestres, & Catherine Sikora.

Sikora, Catherine / Susan Alcorn: Filament
Sikora, Catherine / Susan Alcorn:

(Relative Pitch -- USA )

Price: $13.95    

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The first meeting of tenor saxophonist Catherine Sikora and pedal steel guitarist Susan Alcorn was at the Zurcher Gallery in New York City in 2022, an inventive dialog of free improvisation split between three "Filaments", their interaction ranging from delicate dialog to asservite discourse in a wonderfully expressive concert of sincere affinity.

The Squid's Ear Magazine

The Squid's Ear Magazine

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