The Squid's Ear Magazine

Rodrigues / Rodrigues / Ullen / D'incise / Bondi: Lisboa (Creative Sources)

Orchestrated from strings, piano, percussives, laptop & objects, this quintet creates a complex collective voice from high- and low-frequency drones, dissonant long string tones, slow piano chords, metallic sounds, and rich electronics.

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Ernesto Rodrigues-viola

Guilherme Rodrigues-cello

Lisa Ullen-piano

d'incise-laptop, objects

Cyril Bondi-bass drums, objects

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UPC: 5609063402322

Label: Creative Sources
Catalog ID: cs232
Squidco Product Code: 17876

Format: CD
Condition: New
Released: 2013
Country: Portugal
Packaging: Jewel Tray
Recorded by Joel Conde at Teha3, Lisbon on January 7th, 2012.

Descriptions, Reviews, &c.

"The five tracks presented here bring together Ernesto Rodrigues on viola, Guilherme Rodrigues on cello, Lisa Ullen on piano, D'Incise on laptop and objects, and Cyril Bondi on bass drum and objects. The focus is on sound-as-such as it arises from the collective blend of all five musicians, rather than on individual instrumental voices. At any given time high- and low-frequency drones overlap with dissonant long tones on the strings; slow piano chords emerge half-veiled from behind a hollow curtain of metallic sound; rattling metal punctuates the quiet thrum of an electronic foundation. The sound takes on an almost autonomous quality relative to its sources; one can enjoy listening in a state that brackets out external associations in favor of an immersion in the pure physicality of the subtle changes in dynamics and timbre."-Daniel Barbiero, Avant Music News

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Artist Biographies

"He has been playing the violin for 30 years and in that time has played all genres of music ranging from contemporary music to free jazz and improvised music, live and in the studio.

His main interest shifted towards contemporary improvised and composed music.

The relationship with his instruments is focused in sonic and textural elements.

Electronic music was an early influence on his approach to violin playing, which challenges traditional romantic concepts of the violin/viola through use of preparations and micro tuning.

Active in different settings on the Portuguese scene for free improvised music, both as a collaborator and in leading his own groups.

Music for Dance, Cinema, Video and Performance.

Has created the record label Creative Sources Recordings in 1999, which mainly concentrates on releasing experimental and electro-acoustic music."

-Creative Sources (

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"Was born 1988 in Lisboa, Portugal and started playing cello and trumpet at Orquestra Metropolitana de Lisboa at the age of 7. In 1999 joined Conservatório Nacional de Música de Lisboa to study classical and music theory and in the current year recorded his first album - Multiples - with Ernesto Rodrigues and José Oliveira out on Creative Sources Recordings.

Apart from work in music ensembles ranging for contemporary classical to free improvisation, also works with live music poetry, theatre and film-music. After lengthy residency in Lisboa, (1988-2016) moved to Berlin and has been active as composer and improviser in the scene.

Worked with some international and renewed artists like Ernesto Rodrigues, Jean-luc Guionnet, Margarida Garcia, Manuel Mota, Alfredo Costa Monteiro, Sei Miguel, Tim Goldie, Jeffrey Morgan, Oren Marshall, Gerhard Uebele, Klaus Kurvers, Gabriel Paiuk, Nicolas Field, Jaime Fennelly, Blaise Siwula, Will Guthrie, Pawel Grabowski, Michael Thieke, Wade Matthews, Leonel Kaplan, Diego Chamy, Gabriel Paiuk, Barry Weisblat, Joe Giardullo, Jassem Hindi, Tisha Mukarji, Masahiko Okura, Taku Unami, Toshihiro Koike, Sharif Sehnaoui, Christine Abdelnour, Alexandre Bellenger, Carlos Zingaro, Romaric Sobac, Nuno Rebelo, Nuno Torres, Naoto Yamagashi, Heddy Boubaker, Gerhard Uebele, Guillermo Torres, Tomas Gris, Carlos Santos, Bruno Parrinha, Miguel Leiria Pereira, Miguel Ivo Cruz, Alberto Cirera, Nuno Morão, Mark Sanders, Dennis Gonzaléz, Alípio Carvalho Neto, Raymond Macdonald, Neil Davidson, David Stachenas, Lisa Ullén, D'incise, Cyril Bondy, Miguel Mira, Rodrigo Amado, Abdul Moimême, Monsieur Trinité, João Madeira, Álvaro Rosso, Gil Gonçalves, Marian Yanchyk, Filipe Passos, Rodrigo Pinheiro, Christian Wolfarth, Thanos Chrysakis, Bechir Saade, Kurt Liedwart, Miguel A. Garcia, Ilia Belorukov, Andrew Lafkas, Gao Jiafeng, Eric Wong, Johan Moir, Casey Moir, Magda Mayas, Matthias Muller, Alexander Frangenheim ...

Has performed and toured in all Europe. Released more than 30 albums of his own projects."

-Creative Sources (

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"Lisa Ullén, pianist and composer. Born 1964 Seoul

Korea, grew up in the north of Sweden, now based in Stockholm. Graduated in 1990 from the Royal Academy of Music, Stockholm . Studies in jazz and improvisation at Chapel Hill NC USA. electro-acoustic music at EMS (Electro Acoustic Studio of Sweden).

Among her commissioned works are intermedia project Kyrillien, chamber manga opera Ninjutsu , musical drama play Now time is waiting. She has been supported and rewarded by the Swedish Arts Council, the Society of Swedish Composers, Swedish Arts Grant, and the Royal Music Academy.

The musicians of Lisa Ullén Quartet have their musical roots in jazz, punk, chamber music and blues but come together in what might modestly be called modern acoustic improvisational music. An impressively keen ear is paired with astounding musicianship, where each single note played is as important as the linear totality. A new generation of Swedish musicians expand the concept of free jazz, giving space to beat and melody as well. All the members of the group are well established on the

Swedish jazz and improvisation scene. LUQ have been broadcast by the Swedish National radio and TV and the second album was released in April -09 with very good reviews Lisa Ullén and Nina de Heney Duo has existed since 2007, and has rapidly gained recognition as one the most thrilling new groups on the improvisation scene in Sweden. They are individually known and respected as well established performers, having each developed a personal sound on their respective instruments.

Their second album, released in April -09, received very good reviews.They have performed at the main festivals in Sweden, such as the Umeå International Jazz Festival and the Stockholm Jazz Festival, and their music has several times been broad-casted on the National Swedish Jazz Radio P2."

-Musikcentrumost (

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"Laurent PETER, a.k.a. d'incise (Geneva, 1983), drifting musician, grew up inbetween dub sound system and experimental electronic music. Sound explorer, he has no perticular instrument, using whatever can be considered as such, softwares, recordings, objects, percussions, harmonium, etc. He's interested in radicalism, reductionnism, repetitions and conceptual approaches, building specific set-up for each new occasion, in improvised or composed context. He tends to extract the most tiny details of the elements, appreciates slowness and obsessive explorations of simple processes. He's, since many years with Cyril Bondi, behind the INSUB. label, orchetra, the Diatribes duo, and many other things, and does graphic designs."

-d'incise Website (

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"Cyril Bondi (drums, percussion) Born in 1980 in Geneva.

In February 1994, he discovered with passion the battery in the basement of a neighborhood house. His first teacher, Alain Frey, quickly taught him the technical bases of his instrument for four years. At the same time, he is interested in jazz and follows workshops at the AMR from 1998 to 2002 as well as Raùl Esmerode's lessons at the CPM in Geneva where he graduated in 2002.

First experiences with the "irony of sound" of which he is a founding member. Atypical group, bringing together a rapper, a harmonica, a guitar and a drums, "the irony of sound" offers for ten years an unclassifiable music, traveling between improvised music and traditional music. (4 albums, a hundred concerts in Switzerland).

At the same time, he is interested in improvised music and jazz and works with musicians from here and elsewhere such as Otomo Yoshihide, Eric Pailhe, Johann Bourquenez, Gabriel Zufferey, Christian Graf, Christophe Berthet, Guillaume Perret and Nicolas Sordet. , Manuel Gesseney, Alex Allflat, Jean Ferarini, Andrès Neira, Martin Wisard, Philippe Helfer, Pascal Alba, ...

From his meeting with the saxophonist Gaël Riondel and the electroacousticien d'incise was born "diatribes", trio with clearly freejazz consonances. (1 album on altrisuoni, 6 albums on the net, tour in Poland (May 06), Italy (Jan 07).

Without stopping in search of new spaces to explore, he uses his instrument as a means to address unknown or surreal worlds to better understand the one in which he produces sound. This enthusiasm for all music pushes him to multiply the experiences in sometimes radically different styles: Jonas (hip-hop), Ianeq (electro), Pascal Alba Group (jazz rock), Pierre Lautomne (French song), Kara (Afro) .

He has appeared during the Jazz Contreband 04 festival, Balelec 05, Cully jazz festval off 05, Festival Electron 06, the AMR festival at Cropettes 05-06, as well as in Switzerland, France, Italy and Poland."

-MX3 (Translated by Google) (

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Track Listing:

1. Alfama 5:40

2. Bairro Alto 4:10

3. Alcântara 7:32

4. Graça 9:36

5. Lapa 9:46

Related Categories of Interest:

Improvised Music
Electro-Acoustic Improv
Creative Sources
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Free Improvisation
Quintet Recordings
Objects and Home-made Instruments

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