The Squid's Ear Magazine

Cat in a Bag (Figueira / Fonseca / Clemente / Lucas): Cat in a Bag (Clean Feed)

With 3 members of the sextet Slow is Possible--alto saxophonist Bruno Figueira, guitarist Joao Clemente and drummer Duarte Fonseca--plus bassist Joao Lucas (who has his own trio on Creative Sources), this cat is a genre-mashing band, blurring jazz and rock forms in a very Downtown NY way: open-minded, surprising, articulate, sophisticated, and passionate improv.

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product information:


Bruno Figueira-saxophone, effects

Duarte Fonseca-drums

Joao Clemente-guitar, magnets

Joao Lucas- bass, effects

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UPC: 5609063005318

Label: Clean Feed
Catalog ID: CF531
Squidco Product Code: 27909

Format: CD
Condition: New
Released: 2019
Country: Portugal
Packaging: Cardboard Gatefold 3 Panels
Recorded at KellerTone Studio, on June 12th and 13th, 2019, in Berlin, Germany, by Peter Kolpakov.

Descriptions, Reviews, &c.

"You already know three members of this Portuguese band - alto saxophonist Bruno Figueira, guitarist Joao Clemente and drummer Duarte Fonseca - from Slow is Possible. The other is bassist Joao Lucas, also born in Portugal but living and working in Holland. His deep and acid bass sound is the axis of everything happening in "Cat in a Bag".

Sometimes it reminds you of the sublow harmonics of Bill Laswell, but in a context not very far from John Zorn's compositions for rock-oriented power trios. Here and there the mindset of the music take it to the experimental and contemporary classical music fields, in a kind of Kasper Toeplitz garage version. When all the conditions seem reunited for the existence of another jazzcore unit, the quartet put aside punk and metal references and dive in the tradition of progressive and art rock: then the bass guitar seems to assume the heritage of Hugh Hopper, but exchanging the jazz factor in Soft Machine by a blues one and its psychedelia by hard rock configurations.

All the rest is spontaneous creativity, the kind you find in free improvised music, yes, but electrical, noisy and full of joy and rage."-Clean Feed

Artist Biographies

"He began his studies in a larsonic association at the age of 12 in the Municipality of Pombal in Clarinet. Attends the Conservatory of Coimbra two years later and finishes the 3rd degree there. It suspends activity and, 18, joins the Pro- sional School of Covilhã in the class of Professor César Ramos. Subsequently he makes tests for the School of Arts of Castelo Branco where he finishes the degree in Clarinet under the class of Professor Carlos Alves and Pedro Ladeira. In parallel, he attends a masterclass with professors such as António Saiote, Josep Fuster, Arno Piters, Juan Ferrer and Hans Collber. Participates in programs in the Orchestra Classical Center, ESART Symphony Orchestra, EPABI Symphony Orchestra, Orfeão de Leiria Symphony Orchestra and was soloist in the ESART Baroque Orchestra. At the moment he attends the Master of Music Teaching at the School of Arts of Castelo Branco and in parallel he plays Saxophone in several projects outside the Scholar World. Record and practice improvised music with regularity searching for new ways in the World of Sound Environments. Invites with the Co and and Cigarettes and participates assiduously in the Salad Ensemble improvisation ensemble. He is a saxophonist in Slow is Possible, Animalia and TwoStep."

-Culturgest (Translated by Google) (

Have a better biography or biography source? Please Contact Us so that we can update this biography.

"Duarte Fonseca currently has five musical projects: Slow is Possible, Sideways, Salad Ensemble, Xaral's Dixie and Xaral's Band. As a native of Minde, he also collaborates with the Mindense Musical Society."

-Culturgest (Translated by Google) (

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"João Clemente began his musical studies at the Beira Interior School of Arts studying percussion and classical guitars. He attended the course of Music Production and Electronic Music at the School of Applied Arts. The community sense of his work gained in this phase the first forms, creating bonds with musicians with whomuntil today it maintains an energetic artistic activity.His professional vitality goes through multiple fields of action, composer of soundtracks for plays and lmes; founder of the Salad Ensemble and musician in several groups, among which the following stand out: Slow is Possible, Sideways, Turn Me On! Dead Man !, Co ee and Cigarettes, Woom, Kat in a Bag.

Highlights: The Thing About Silence and Why Flamingos Fly to the Salad Ensemble; Animalia for quartet of three (clarinet, saxophone, cello, double bass); The Eternal Life of the World, liturgical poem for sextet, narrator and choir."

-Culturgest (Translated by Google) (

Have a better biography or biography source? Please Contact Us so that we can update this biography.

Track Listing:

1. Smiling as a Rite of Exorcism 9:52

2. Evil to him who Evil thinks 5:39

3. Language drifts into Meaning 8:08

4. Astrolabe 7:01

5. Obscure Objects 9:21

6. Beauty Melted in Secret 8:29

7. The Decay of Manners 10:42

8. Blind Art Collector 4:25

9. Ode for the duration of Humanity 5:51

Related Categories of Interest:

Improvised Music
Free Improvisation
Rock and Related
Improvised Rock
Quartet Recordings
European Improvisation, Composition and Experimental Forms
New in Rock Forms

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