The Squid's Ear Magazine

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Tucker, Dave / Pat Thomas / Thurston Moore / Mark Sanders: Educated Guess Vol. 1
Tucker, Dave / Pat Thomas / Thurston Moore / Mark Sanders:
Educated Guess Vol. 1

(577 Records -- Italy )

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The "guess" was guitarist and electronics artist Dave Tucker's educated guess that these four musicians--himself, pianist/keyboardist Pat Thomas, guitarist Thurston Moore and drummer/percussionist Mark Sanders--would create someting extraordinary if he brought them together for a concert at London's Cafe OTO, this boundary-pushing album the indisputably successful result.

Tucker, Dave / Pat Thomas / Thurston Moore / Mark Sanders: Educated Guess Vol. 1 [VINYL]
Tucker, Dave / Pat Thomas / Thurston Moore / Mark Sanders:
Educated Guess Vol. 1 [VINYL]

(577 Records -- USA )

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The "guess" was guitarist and electronics artist Dave Tucker's educated guess that these four musicians--himself, pianist/keyboardist Pat Thomas, guitarist Thurston Moore and drummer/percussionist Mark Sanders--would create someting extraordinary if he brought them together for a concert at London's Cafe OTO, this boundary-pushing album the indisputably successful result.

Tucker, Dave / Pat Thomas / Thurston Moore / Mark Sanders: Educated Guess Vol. 2
Tucker, Dave / Pat Thomas / Thurston Moore / Mark Sanders:
Educated Guess Vol. 2

(577 Records -- USA )

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The 2nd half of guitarist Dave Tucker's live concert at London's Cafe OTO, bringing together himself, pianist/keyboardist Pat Thomas, guitarist Thurston Moore and drummer/percussionist Mark Sanders for two extended improvisations of spontaneous performance, layering guitars over complex drum arrangements,and distinctive electronic manipulation.

The Squid's Ear Magazine

The Squid's Ear Magazine

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