An unusual sound work, the 3rd in a series made up of tracks of equal length with a different track length for each project, with sonic material made from home-built guitars & a quadrophonic amp setup.
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Christopher Riggs-electric guitar
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Edition of 57, cdr, color covers in plastic sleeves
Label: Bug Incision Records
Catalog ID: bim-40
Squidco Product Code: 13878
Format: CDR
Condition: New
Released: 2010
Country: Canada
Packaging: Clear plastic Sleeve with paper inserts
"The new album from Chris Riggs (on the heels of a killer LP with Liz Allbee and an 8-part series of very formalist cassettes) is part of a series that began with the Gold Danny (on Holy Cheever Church) and Achievement Is Its Own Reward (on Brokenresearch) CDRs from the last couple years.
If one takes a look at the Holy Cheever Church website, around the -40s, Riggs starts lacing some heavy conceptual shoelaces into his solo pieces, and, to this end, he writes:
"Third installment in my series of cdr releases made up of tracks of equal length with a different track length for each cdr (gold danny = 3 minutes, achievement is its own reward = 5). This recording is pieced together from the tracks that make up HCC - 051. I assigned each of the 14 1-hour long tracks a number and used a random number generator to produce the "score". Different distributions were used for the five different tracks that effected the incorporation of silence, how many sounds were used within the 6 minute limit, and how often those sounds changed.
The distribution of the 14 tracks always remained the same (i.e. i never "weighted" one sound more than another on any track. Each one always has an equal chance of coming up). I also used a random number generator to determine where along the time line of each 1-hour long sound I would use for a chunk of sound in the "score". For example: the score for number 1 says that sound number 9 (also known as track 9) needs to be played from 1:10 - 2:24 on the right channel and it needs to come from 17:21."
Got it? Conversely, this is more top-notch guitar-disguising, care of Riggs' home-built guitars and quadrophonic amp setup. The sounds are right up front, and resemble, among other things: close-mic'd dogs breathing heavily, the back of a refrigerator, cars idling, and motorcycles revving."-Bug Incision
Edition of 57, cdr, color covers in plastic sleeves
Artist Biographies
• Show Bio for Christopher Riggs "Christopher Riggs is autistic and plays free improvisation on the electric guitar. Without the use of processing or FX, Christopher squeezes sounds from his instrument the Chicago Reader has called "unapologetically ugly". Riggs received his Bachelor of Music in 2007 from the Oberlin Conservatory of Music and his Master of Arts in Music Composition from Wesleyan University in 2012. He studied guitar and composition under Marc Michaud, Ross Feller, Randolph Coleman, and Ronald Kuivila. Christopher Riggs teaches 4th grade for Chicago Public Schools. He lives on Chicago's southside with his wife and two daughters." ^ Hide Bio for Christopher Riggs
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Track Listing:
1. Track 01 6:00
2. Track 02 6:00
3. Track 03 6:00
4. Track 04 6:00
5. Track 05 6:00
Organized Sound and Sample Based Music
Guitarists, &c.
Sound, Noise, &c.
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