The Squid's Ear Magazine

Wittenburg, Florian : Kranenburg Tree (Edition Wandelweiser Records)

Using a metasynth, a software instrument that allows the user to draw or paint music, and a photograph of a small tree observed at a former train station in the German town of Kranenbur, composer Florian Wittenburg generates complex sound structures from the simple structures of the tree's branches used as a template for four rich sonic sketches.

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Florian Wittenburg-synthesizer

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UPC: 4011778039426

Label: Edition Wandelweiser Records
Catalog ID: EWR 2104
Squidco Product Code: 30675

Format: CD
Condition: New
Released: 2021
Country: Germany
Packaging: Cardboard Gatefold 3 Panels

Descriptions, Reviews, &c.

"As the title already indicates, a small tree, which i discovered at the former train station of the small German town Kranenburg (lower Rhine area), forms the basis for the music on this album. To be more precise, a photograph of this tree, whose musical potential i saw immediately, served as a template for sketches in metasynth, a software with which you can draw, paint music. This resulted in 4 sketches, consequently the composition has 4 parts. What still fascinates me about this music, is how out of one simple sound (branch) a fairly complex sound structure arises, where fundamentals and partials interfere.

Composing the intermezzi for these metasynth main pieces was a real struggle for me as a composer: Nothing pleased me, nothing fitted, nothing convinced me. Then eventually the idea came to me to try it simply with silence. This started as an experiment, but then the hearing impression of this music combined with silence convinced me more and more. I made the experience, that in the beginning of the silent tracks the preceding music still resonated. And then at a certain point i started to notice environmental sounds, like heating noise or bird- song, maybe already realizing that absolute silence doesnÕt exist - wasnÕt it John Cage who discovered that a certain point, maybe in a dead space, you start to hear your own breathing or nervesystem. In my case this is unfortunately enhanced by my tinnitus."-Florian Wittenburg

Artist Biographies

"Florian Wittenburg, born in Berlin in 1973, studied Music Technology (including instrumental performance) at the Utrecht School of Arts in The Netherlands, where he graduated with distinction in 1999. During this period he studied with performers such as Jannie Pranger, Ben Gerritsen and Jasper van 't Hof, with producers such as Frank van der Weij and Stefan Winter (Music Edition Winter&Winter), with composers Gerard van Wolferen and Barbara Woof, and filmsound designer Rens Machielse. He participated twice as an ensemble player, in 1996 and 1997, at the "Nederlands Filmfestival", accompanying the restored images of rediscovered dutch silent films. Following the international EMMA-programme of study (European Media Masters of Art), he has been awarded the M.A. degree in Sound & Music Technology in 2000.

In 2005 a scholarship brought him to the Centre de Création Musicale Iannis Xenakis in Paris, where he attended Masterclasses of Jean-Claude Risset,, Agostino Di Scipio and Curtis Roads.

During and after his study-period he worked together with a.o. conductor/composer Arno Dieteren (Ensemble Contraint), sculptor Willem Fermont (5darc), cellist Jacquelin Hamelink, theremin-virtuoso Lydia Kavina, pianists Nico Huijbregts and Daan Vandewalle, with composer/performer Stephan Froleyks, composer/performer Ned McGowan and with video artists David Baker and Marcel Wierckx. His music is broadcasted mainly by german (Süd-West-Rundfunk, Saarlänidsche and Bayerische Rundfunk) and dutch radio (VPRO, Concertzender, Vrije Geluiden), but also by BBC, RAI, belgian, russian radio and radio stations in America, Canada and Spain.

Simultaneously he was engaged as a web/gui-designer at the Max-Planck-Institute for Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen (NL). This applied artwork was shown as part of the International Science+Fiction exhibition, where it was shown, amongst other places, at the ZKM Karlsruhe, Nobel Museum Stockholm, Museum for Technology and Emerging Science Tokyo, as well as part of the MS Wissenschaft boat exhibition in Germany."

-Florian Wittenburg Website (

Have a better biography or biography source? Please Contact Us so that we can update this biography.

Track Listing:

1. Kranenburg Tree (Part 1) 6:13

2. 1 Minute Silence 1:02

3. Kranenburg Tree (Part 2) 6:14

4. 1 Minute Silence 1:02

5. Kranenburg Tree (Part 3) 6:13

6. 1 Minute Silence 1:02

7. Kranenburg Tree (Part 4) 6:11

Related Categories of Interest:

Compositional Forms
Piano & Keyboards
Graphic Scores
Solo Artist Recordings
European Improvisation, Composition and Experimental Forms
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