The Squid's Ear Magazine

Rave, Ada

In Search Of A Real World

Rave, Ada: In Search Of A Real World (Relative Pitch)

A collection of sonic poems & images that are inspired by her search for a 'real world' — more tangible and less virtual — presented by Argentinian saxophonist based in Amsterdam, Ada Rave, performing on tenor, soprano & sopranino saxophones with differing preparations for each improvisation, while also being influenced by the native music of the Mapuche people and Argentinian folk music.

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Ada Rave-tenor saxophone, preparations, soprano saxophone, sopranino saxophone

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UPC: 5 904224872502

Label: Relative Pitch
Catalog ID: RPRSS027
Squidco Product Code: 35096

Format: CD
Condition: New
Released: 2024
Country: USA
Packaging: Cardboard Gatefold
Recorded at Splendor, in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, on November 8th 2022, by Ron Ruiten.

Descriptions, Reviews, &c.

"Tenor saxophonist Ada Rave, born and raised in Argentina, decided to move to Amsterdam, the Netherlands in 2013. She had heard 'the call', followed her musical intuition and became part of the colorful community of Dutch creative improvised music.

Educated in the jazz tradition she started to look for a more personal language. A deep search. Not an easy path to go.

The destination is always changing. Each step made will call for a next step. A slow process of collecting material, sounds, techniques, scratches, melodies, noises, fragments, splinters: everything that will help to refine a language of one's own.

Ada loves to enter unknown territories, like a warrior.

She is not afraid of making mistakes, she uses them as an inspiration. Or in the words of trombonist Roswell Rudd: "a mistake doesn't exist, it's a gift of the Universe".

She speaks with a soulful voice that brings back memories of the great tenor saxophone players: a big, deep and dark sound.

But you also hear her reach out for ancestral dances, rituals, prayers and thanksgivings of her land of birth: Argentina.

She loves unconventional techniques using cups, bottles, lids, tubes, feathers, sticks and stones to extend her color-palette.

It makes her language quirky, rich, intimate, touching, powerful, uncomfortable, beautiful, abrasive, breathtaking.

Ada Rave is a strong, curious, sensitive musician, a unique voice on the tenor saxophone.

Go listen to her music and enjoy it as much as I did."-Ab Baars

"In Search of a Real World is a collection of sonic poems / images that are inspired in my own search for a 'real world', more tangible and less virtual, more sensitive and less mechanical, more present and less fragmented. Could we ever recover our ability to contemplate? This is a search born out of living in the midst of tension, between a way of life that drags us towards excessive, destructive and unsustainable consumerism and the faint whisper of the ancestral philosophies that never tire in keeping alive the possibility of a more harmonious and sustainable balance with Nature. I trust the fragrant smell of humus, the soil, as the regenerative foundation that Mother Earth offers us unconditionally, alive energy that expresses itself. I chose a specific palette of sounds for this solo album, with a different preparation for each improvised piece and also I let myself be influenced by some resonances from native music of the Mapuche people and Argentinian folk music."-Ada Rave

Artist Biographies

"Ada Rave: Saxophonist, improviser and composer, was born in Chubut (Argentina) in 1974. She began her musical development in 2000 in the Buenos Aires jazz scene. Her musical interests are jazz, free improvisation and composition. She works on her own projects and also collaborates with other musician's - performing in several places around Argentina. Since 2013 she has been based in Amsterdam where she performs with several musicians in the Netherlands and Europe. She continues researching her personal approach to the sound and interaction with other musicians as well as the environment, expanding her passion for the free improvisation.

She is currently involved in the following musical projects:

- new rumors & other noises with Raoul Van Der Weide (contrabass) and Nico Chientaroli (piano)

- Wilbert De Joode (contrabass) and Nicola Hein (guitar)

- Kaja Draksler (piano, composition), Laura Polence and Bjork Nielsdottir (voices), Ab Baars (cl, sax), George Dumitriu (violin, viola), Lennart Heyndels (contrabass), Onno Govaert (drums)

- Felicity Provan (trumpet, composition), Han Buhrs (voice), Harald Austbo (cello), Michael Vatcher (drums)

She studied with the teachers: Carlos Lastra, Enrique Norris and Rodrigo Domínguez and graduated with a degree in jazz at the Manuel De Falla Conservatory of Buenos Aires.

In addition to playing music, she is also the initiator and organizer of a jam session for free improvisation (in both Buenos Aires and Amsterdam), and also a concert organizer. She has also been a music educator since 2000 and she currently teaches saxophone and free improvisation."

-Pany Rosa Discos (

Have a better biography or biography source? Please Contact Us so that we can update this biography.

Track Listing:

1. In Search Of A Real World 04:59

2. Transformation, Regeneration 06:20

3. El Jardin Del Poeta 05:08

4. It Smells Like Rain 05:37

5. Compulsory Datatronik 06:04

6. Choike Purrun 03:40

7. Ritual Machi 06:54

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Improvised Music
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European Improvisation, Composition and Experimental Forms
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Instruments with Preparations
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The Squid's Ear Magazine

The Squid's Ear Magazine

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