The Squid's Ear Magazine

Lisbon String Trio & Carlos Santos: Cobra (Creative Sources)

"Carlos Santos (b.1967) has been something of a fixture in this space as well, although usually more in the background: Santos has designed most of the Creative Sources packages for years, so his work has often been in front of my eyes (as ...

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Ernesto Rodrigues-viola

Miguel Mira-cello

Alvaro Rosso-double bass

Carlos Santos-modular synth

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UPC: 5609063408287

Label: Creative Sources
Catalog ID: cs828
Squidco Product Code: 35323

Format: CD
Condition: New
Released: 2024
Country: Portugal
Packaging: Cardboard Gatefold
Recorded live during the Small Format Materials Festival at Galeria Monumental, in Lisbon, Portugal, on May 4th, 2024, by Carlos Santos.

Descriptions, Reviews, &c.
"Carlos Santos (b.1967) has been something of a fixture in this space as well, although usually more in the background: Santos has designed most of the Creative Sources packages for years, so his work has often been in front of my eyes (as I've remarked upon it here at times...), but often in front of my ears too - as Santos has appeared musically on many albums, mostly with Ernesto Rodrigues. And usually he's been credited with "electronics," but these are rarely of the "in your face" sort, rather an added high (or low) pitch here and there, extending tones, shaping harmonics... and now more often on "modular synth," although his actual contributions seem similar. Santos hadn't been as active musically the past few years, at least not so that I noticed anyway, but that's changed lately with a recent burst of albums (all on Creative Sources). I particularly want to focus on Cobra then, the latest album from Lisbon String Trio, recorded last month with Santos as their guest: Cobra continues to be something of a departure for LST (Rodrigues, Miguel Mira and Alvaro Rosso), first in that it adds electronics, and second in that it continues a trend of adding a frequent Rodrigues collaborator - as opposed to the earlier recordings, which involved relative unknowns, then followed more with "stars" of the Portuguese scene. Recordings have become less frequent as well: Isotropy (with Luis Lopes, there on acoustic guitar...) was reviewed here in May 2020, and already presents less of a concertante interaction, with Lopes fitting more into the texture, and often (somewhat tentatively) following the trio. The next LST album was then Dada (reviewed in May 2022) with Bruno Parrinha, who'd been making an extensive series of recordings with Rodrigues at the time, likewise staying (as usual) within the texture, inflecting resonances etc. - to yield an album exploring a variety of motivic shadings and inflections. So these descriptions might fit Cobra as well, now with electronics! The result is a sort of supercharged string trio, with extra range and richer harmonics, yet not immediately noticeable as involving electronics. In this, an obvious comparison is with the latest from string trio KSZ, now also electric (and more noticeable as such) on Black Forest Diary (as reviewed here in April): There the string players employ electronics themselves (rather than involve a fourth musician), and the result is more novelty, almost creaturely at times (pace industrial hybridity...), various extremes, but also evolving within an ethos of quiet/Silence. Cobra can sometimes be more quiet or thin, but is also generally assertive, maintaining a sense of a coherent arc - already a feature of LST since their trio-only Proletariat debut (reviewed here in July 2017, as part of a massive entry...) - with the coordination of e.g. its opening gesture being among the most striking of its passages (i.e. before the texture loosens at times...). Of course, orientations around silence are not uncommon for Rodrigues, and Santos has been involved with various such projects: Impulses and Signals, from their trio with Nuno Torres (named Rotor... so presumably intending more?), recorded in early 2023 (but not released until later, as mentioned here in March...), had already projected more of an open, Cageian vibe (although not especially quietly) - even a sense of desolation developing over its relatively long length.... That vibe then continues to a degree with the new Synopsis (also recorded last month, two days before Cobra...), with AndrŽ Hencleeday (another regular collaborator...) joining the "Rotor" trio on piano: That album ends up with more clashes and (motivic) intricacy around piano, although it begins with modifications of already struck tones... and both highlight individual sounds more than the denser interactions typical of LST. It's also typical of Santos to be a "second keyboard" there (as arguably also on Mars Reveri, as reviewed in April...), per e.g. Quelque chose prie la patience des nuages - reviewed here in May 2022 as part of the same "set" of post-pandemic Rodrigues releases as Chiaroscuro, a bass-less quartet (albeit sans Santos) that might also be worth comparing to Cobra: The former can come off as "more classical" at times, but conversely features percussion (e.g. yielding a sense of attack, pace piano elsewhere - i.e. versus the generally smoother tones of Santos...) and a sort of "crispness" grounded in the acoustic realm (with clarinet handling more of the "electronic" background resonances...). Maybe that's a strained comparison, but the "shifting waves" of so many recent Rodrigues projects are well developed on both, tending darker or even becoming stormy on Cobra.... And then there's also the new Surrealistisk, a long quartet album (recorded this past April) with Rodrigues and Santos joined by Girilal Baars (voice) and Monsieur TrinitŽ (percussion): The latter returns already from e.g. Free to Open (also reviewed here in April), while Rodrigues is also on crackle box (again, per Synopsis and Impulses and Signals...), adding to the sense of overall weirdness (apparently including squeeze toys from TrinitŽ, as already speculated in the earlier review...) with its vocalization vibe. (And Surrealistisk once again features a generally open texture or landscape, quite a bit of distension, with an emphasis on strange sounds. The same might be said of Die Zwitscher Maschine as well, recorded already in May 2023 - after Impulses and Signals... - by Rodrigues and Santos with Parrinha and Flak, and featuring its own rendering of a sometimes-desolate landscape amid both zoomimesis and ringing "new age" tones.... And maybe I should mention Santos' earlier duo with cellist Ulrich Mitzlaff, I/O and their 2021 album Studies on Colour Field Modulation too....) And then I should explicitly note Baars, who varies his level of presence here (and does sometimes involve some words, but often remains low in the texture... including as a sort of distant howling at times), having appeared previously on Lab H Tapes (where he also plays hurdy-gurdy, so evokes a particular folk style, as noted in a March 2020 entry...). So coming back to Cobra, the sense of "waves" there takes on added dimensions, not only via the larger resources of the string trio, but in terms of sophistication and coordination, including by Santos "enriching" the strings in a variety of (usually non-obvious) ways. (And perhaps the best comparison for this sort of "intensifying" contribution is then actually Echoing the Chorus of Life, with Carlos Bechegas, reviewed here in March....) So although the synth/electronics do bring a sense of "extra," a sense of mystery perhaps (never really asserting...), there's also a bracing sense of physicality already from the strings on Cobra, i.e. not so akin to the more Cageian and open textures around Santos on these other albums. (Including via its quasi-classical string context then, LST remains oriented more toward the human-rhetorical musical pole, i.e. neither as depersonalized nor especially naturalistic....)"-Todd McComb's Jazz Thoughts

Artist Biographies

"He has been playing the violin for 30 years and in that time has played all genres of music ranging from contemporary music to free jazz and improvised music, live and in the studio.

His main interest shifted towards contemporary improvised and composed music.

The relationship with his instruments is focused in sonic and textural elements.

Electronic music was an early influence on his approach to violin playing, which challenges traditional romantic concepts of the violin/viola through use of preparations and micro tuning.

Active in different settings on the Portuguese scene for free improvised music, both as a collaborator and in leading his own groups.

Music for Dance, Cinema, Video and Performance.

Has created the record label Creative Sources Recordings in 1999, which mainly concentrates on releasing experimental and electro-acoustic music."

-Creative Sources (

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"Born in 1958, studying guitar at the Academy of Music Amateurs, in the 70s, with Prof. Nagy. In the late 70 studying bass at the Hot Club, in the early '80s, with Prof. Zé Eduardo.

"Intrigue and permanent and persistent unease with stringed instruments, jazz and improvisation itself. During the last forty years, in concert, in private or in the studio, I had the honor of having played and learned (chronologically) Nuno Grande, Armindo Neves, Emilio Robalo, Celso Carvalho, António Ferro, Arthur Costa, Ze Bitch John Vinegar, John Lucas, Francisco Medina, Abdul moimeme, Rashiim Ausar Sahu, Patrick Brennan, Rodrigo Amado, Scott Fields, Francisco Trindade, Ernesto Rodrigues, Harvey Sorgen and Joe Giardullo.

Today, honor me play (and perpetuate my restlessness) with Rodrigo Amado, Abdul moimeme, John Lucas, Joseph Bruno Parrinha, John Parrinha, João Pedro Viegas, Alipio Carvalho Neto, Gabriel Ferrandini, Ernesto Rodrigues, Armando Gonçalves Pereira, Hernani Faustino, Rodrigo Pinheiro, Zé Lencastre, Louis Desirat, Peter Castello Lopes, Luís Lopes, Luís Vicente, Philip Sousa, Pedro Roxo, Johannes Krieger, George Lamprey, Marcello Maggi, Paulo Curado, Diogo Leal, D' Incise, Virginia and Eduardo Chagas. With some of my friends. I share my musical day in broader bands or ensembles, with other I highlight specific musical encounters and they are my entire curriculum." "

-JACC Records (

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Alvaro Rosso is a Portuguese double bassist, a member of Variable Geometry Orchestra, ZMVR 4tet, Orgonite, Croniques 3, and String Theory.

-Squidco 10/21/2024

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"Studied painting with António Sena (Ar.Co, 1988 -1992), worked in advertising for a period of time, but nowadays works as graphic designer in corporate identity, packaging, web and audio-video production.

Started sound/music activities in 1989 when formed the VITRIOL project with Paulo Raposo, a laboratory for experimental sound actions, in a first stage with studio work followed in 1994 by live output, mainly live electronics, concrete music with a improvised or graphic score oriented approach. Uses the laptop with software written in MaxMsp, small resonant objects, microphones and piezo elements to produce a music that deals with space and its sound characteristics. Interests in "soundscape" and field recordings are a huge part of his work, for piece preparation or just for archival purposes, Always recording, events, spaces or music. Multi-channel acusmatic music and radio pieces.

Presents himself solo in site-specific audio-video works, or in duos with João Silva (video, sound, photography), "Inhabitaded Spaces" with Ricardo Guerreiro (computer, mics), "Venús Pistolletto" with Emídio Buchinho (elec. guitar, mics, objects) and trios with Ernesto Rodrigues (violin) and Guilherme Rodrigues (cello) or ZNGR electroacustic trio with Carlos "Zíngaro and Emídio Buchinho. Member of several formations, "(Des)Integração" laptop ensemble (2001-2003) or in more electroacoustic sets, uses live-electronics and sampling which is the case of "Suspensão" septep, VGO, variable geometry orchestra and specially a trio close related to the "near silence" aesthetics, with Ernesto Rodrigues (violin, harp) and Guilherme Rodrigues (cello) with already several CD releases, always with at least one international improviser guest. Presented his work in Portugal, Spain, France, UK and Germany. Worked with artists from several media: dance, performance and video. Music and sound design for video and animation. Video and sound editing for comercial projects. Played live or in recording projects throughout the years with a lot of musician and sound artists. His sound work is documented in several CD releases. Belongs to the Granular board of directors, a portuguese association for experimental art and does the image of Creative Sources label. Broadcasts "Boca Doce" show at Rádio Zero (web) and other special shows. Workshops and seminars in digital audio manipulation, Maxmsp programming and sound art practise."

-Creative Sources (

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Track Listing:

01. Cobra 34:34

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Creative Sources
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